If you check the image above, you can see at least part of me ... my shadow is on the sand.
My objective is to hook up with my other team members. From what I can tell, at least two of them landed safely, while another member (Aztec) is caught up in a tree. Of course, I was the only one who had the pleasure of taking a midnight swim this evening.
I strolled past a turtle and some crabs on the seaside, which was kind of cool and started to make my way inland. I am following a blip on the lower corner of my helmet. Who needs a compass when you get to wear this million dollar Nanosuit.
After squeezing through some bunkers, I ran into a group of North Korean soldiers. These guys have no clue that we've landed. Furthermore, the first soldier had no idea I was even coming up behind him as he strolled down the rock.

I equipped my silencer, took aim and knocked out the soldier before he noticed me. There were a few more who came over to investigate and ran into the same fate. I increased my weapon count by one when I snagged a FY71 from one of the North Koreans now resting on the beach. I loaded up the ammo from the other guns too. For now, I am in pretty good shape.
They had lit a flare on the oceanside, so I decided to toss it into the ocean to make my visit a little less obvious. (Gotta love the new Crytek engine for allowing me to toss a flare into the ocean and continue to render the physics in a very cool way.)

I joined up with a fellow soldier, Jester, in order to attempt to rescue Aztec - our Delta Team member caught in the trees. Along the way, we heard this wicked sound pass above us and the trees moved like crazy all around us. Man, I wonder if it was that thing that made my parachute fail?
When we arrived, Aztec was there, but he was no longer alive. He was still haning from the tree. There were North Korean soliders on the ground around him, dead as well. Whatever got one of them, got them all. My money is on the thing that made the trees move and freak me out a little bit.
We said our respects and the Nanosuit was vaporized from our Control Center. At that point, with only four team members left, we had to split up to cover more ground. I picked up the ammo from Aztec's SCAR in order to take something of his with me. Who knows, it might just come in handy on this mission.
I moved further inland, toward my destination. I came across a couple more North Korean soldiers. This time, I decided to go into stealth mode for a few seconds, so that I could check them out with my binoculars.

They had no clue I was even there, nor did they realize how close I was too them.
After some precision use of the FY71, I was able to move toward the last known point where the scientists radio'd for help.
New objective phoned in. It appears they have a single jammer on the other side of this hill. Guess who gets to take it out? That's right, yours truly.
Let me get over there and see what type of recon I can do from the top of the hill.
Nomad ... signing out.