Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Lusca's Call

Following the blip on the radar screen embedded into my face guard, I made my way past the point where I destroyed what I called my backup Hummer on the way to the communications tower that was also destroyed. I just realized that I am on quite the demolition path today! So much for being tactical and stealthy!

The blip led me up the hill towards the destroyed communication tower. The blip was on my left hand side ... still about a half mile away from me. I looked over to the left and noticed there was a path I had not noticed before. That path could lead to the distress signal for The Lusca's Call - which was the name of the boat used by the American scientists.

Was there water on the other side of these rocks? I didn't think so, but why else would a boat be located in the middle of a rock formation?

I noticed the rocks kept getting taller and taller. I wasn't really in the mood to start rock climbing at this point, so I enabled the strength booster on my Nanosuit.

Enabling the feature reduced my shield, but that was okay at this point - since I didn't see any signs of enemy existence. The suit also turned a reddish color, which I've always thought was cool looking. Even more cool is that I was able to become Superman-like and leap a wall that was no less than 30 feet tall ... in a single-bound. (grin)

The rest of the half-mile track was pretty much more of the same. I closed in on the blip and noticed The Lusca's Call was sitting on top of the rock formation, covered in some white colored haze ... and no water around at all. The remaining members of my Delta Force team had beaten me to the wreckage.

I have no idea how the boat got here, but I know we were not the only one's to see the ship resting on these rocks. Another version of that map was sitting on the ground, attached to a clipboard. So, someone else had already found the wreckage. So where was everyone? I would think that such a discovery would be monitored on a constant basis. This is not a normal situation.

While we were still checking out the environment, we heard a wicked noise - similar to what I had heard just before we found our Delta Team member hanging from the tree. This time, the noise was louder and before I knew it - something blasted through the side of the ship!

Jester, one of our remaining team members, was snatched in a second and that machine-like thing rocketed back in the same direction from which it came. I am really freaking out right now, but I cannot imagine what Jester must feel - as he's hanging from the claws of that beast, that alien, that machine, that whatever it is!

So, now we are on a mission to try and rescue Jester before it's too late.

Nomad ... signing out.

Find Jester

Jester was taken quickly by something I have never seen before in my life. Unless you count a goofy War Of The Worlds remake back in the early 2000s, nothing else I've seen comes anywhere close to what I saw a few minutes ago.

Once he zoomed out of sight, we put our Nanosuits into speed mode and zoomed toward Jester. I wonder if we will be able to rescue Jester while he's still alive ... and I wonder what shape he'll be in for the rest of his life - following such an event.

We could still hear that thing making noise as we chased it's trail through a valley between the rocks. It was wicked to see that thing in action, as we saw it appear to roll down a hill. My camera didn't catch the rolloing action - because of how quickly everything is happening. I can only imagine Jester feels like he is trapped in a clothes dryer with the rolling motion taking place by that machine.

There was a huge drop in the valley. At the bottom, Jester was lying there resting. Like our earlier Delta Team member, Aztec, Jester was also no longer alive. He was resting against some rocks, upside down - just like Aztec. He was still in one piece ... unlike Aztec.

The Control Center vaporized Jester, just like Aztec.

Now, our team is down to only three. I added Jester's ammo to my artillary ... hoping to use some of Jesters bullets to destroy the very beast that took him out of this world.

I'll be back online soon, once I say a quick prayer and pay my respects to Jester.

Nomad ... signing out.