Sunday, September 14, 2008

En Route - Psycho Opens Up

As the helicopter headed in the direction toward Profit, I could tell this entire event had taken a toll on Sergeant Sykes - aka Psycho. Heck, it has taken a toll on all of us ... and I really believe we are still in the early stages of this war on Earth.

With the chopper pushing slowly toward the island and the auto-pilot engaged, Psycho began to go into details regarding the events that transpired after we went our separate ways on the island.

His tone was strong, but his voice was weak as he began to explain what happened after I got into that tank with Major Strickland. I remembered, that was the last time I had seen Psycho until we had that mother of all battles on the carrier. For the longest time, I thought he was in another tank behind me, but his orders pushed him elsewhere on the island.

I could not believe what he told me ... the action was intense, the experience was daunting. I had to force him to slow down so that I could comprehend everything he was telling me.

I am collecting his thoughts and downloading data from his Nanosuit at the same time. My goal, to tell the story of Psycho's personal Crysis - let's just call it WARHEAD for now. You are going to be amazed!

I will be in touch soon.

Nomad ... signing out.