Friday, October 3, 2008

Get to the Rally Point

With the camera from the Sierra 2 fighter jet (containing interesting photos from by harbor secure) and the pilot Sam O'Neill rescued, Sergeant Michael "Psycho" Sykes needed to transport both to the rally point. So, the two men hijacked a Hummer and an Armored Scout Vehicle (ASV) from the Korean People's Army (KPA).

The winding road was expected to be loaded with heavy machinery, as the KPA were fully aware that they were en route. Certainly, they knew that the photos from the recon fly-over were also part of the package - meaning, the two vehicles were top priority for destruction.

Psycho continued his rampage and assault against the KPA, knocking out everything in their path. When O'Neill moved forward and out of site, Psycho used that opportunity to blow away the transport vehicles parked alongside the road. One poor soul ended up taking the high road escape path in the image below. Not sure if that was a good idea.

When they reached the rally point, the mission had to be aborted. The area had been ambushed by the KPA and the two men had to push forward to a VTOL located further up the road. The damage on both vehicles were still in good shape, so moving forward up the road should was not an issue.

After more road-side explosions, the O'Neill and Psycho convoy reached the area containing the VTOL. There, they were met with more soldiers supporting their cause. Once the area was secure from late arriving KPA troops, the orders from JSOC were to evacuate the area.

The troops began to recover their supplies and intel prior to loading into the VTOL. Psycho felt like the two men were finally about to get a break from the high pace action that began at the beach resort. Just how long ago was that? It sure did not seem like that long, but there was a long amount of activity between then and now.

Just as Psycho began to load onto the VTOL, orders came down from JSOC. It appears that the huge crate they saw in the harbor was being loaded into the 914 cargo submarine. JSOC further continued to note, if that sub escapes the area, that could lead to crucial damage on the USS Lexington near by at sea.

Psycho knew that was not an allowable option. His next task was to target and destroy that sub.

Looks like getting onto the VTOL was not an option now.

Infiltrate the Harbor

The winding road that led Psycho and O'Neill toward the VTOL was the same road that would lead toward the harbor. O'Neill climbed aboard the VTOL to provide air support, while Psycho began to rush toward the target on foot. There were no working vehicles left in the area after the battle with the KPA.

Psycho reached a road block, staffed with KPA troops. Using the silencer and the sniper scope on the submachine gun picked up at the last way point, he was able to cap off the outlying troops.

One of the KPA likely radioed for help, because an armed helicopter was heading in his direction. So, Psycho switched to his rocket launcher and fired two shots directly at the chopper as is began to fly over.

The helicopter was destroyed and by the time it hit the ground, Psycho had already dropped the launcher (with one rocket in tact) and headed back to a supply crate to pick up another fully loaded rocket launcher. Psycho thought having three rockets might come in handy when he finally reaches the roadblock up ahead. After destroying the helicopter, everyone from the KPA was aware that Psycho was on his way.

He reached the roadblock and noticed a stationary machine gun at the heart. Also, there was a guard in a watch tower yielding a rocket launcher of his own, as well as troops stationed on top of transport trucks.

Using the SCAR equipped with a silencer and sniper scope, Psycho acted more like me (Nomad) and used stealth to quickly move into the area unnoticed. He flanked the outliers from behind and took them all out with a single shot - including the guard in the watch tower.

The last two remaining solders were on top of the transport vehicles, which he opted to take out using the KPAs own stationary machine gun.

Psycho then hijacked a Hummer and raced toward the Harbor. He had to make up time for the delay encountered at the roadblock.

When he reached the harbor, Psycho used a KPA FY71 to force the throttle down on the Hummer. Then, he jumped out of the Hummer while it raced toward the guards at the gate.

Up above, O'Neill was providing air support. The harbor had been reached. Now to figure out what can be done to stop that sub from leaving the dock.