On my way to the tower, I came across another small village occupied by North Korean soldiers. I found a resting spot up on side of the hill and marked everyone I could with my binoculars. From what I can tell, there are only a handful of troops here. They don't appear to be the A team, since they are leaving themselves widely exposed on the main path.

Since, I am trying to make time quickly and this village is really isolated from this corner of the island, I ran back to my Hummer and drove up to the village. Using the machine gun mounted on the Hummer, I was able to clear the village of the enemy, along with some vegetation as well.

The North Koreans had built a base at the bottom of the hill, below the communications tower. I found it hard to believe that they would want to protect this tower with so many troops - since these kind of towers are probably located all over the island by now. What else could they be hiding?
As I pulled up in the Hummer, my welcoming committee was the largest thus far. I would expect around 10 soldiers met me with firing arms in hand. Using the machine gun mounted on the hummer, I was able to take care of all but maybe two soldiers. Those two required stealth moves and a surprise attack.

My process of staying alive could have been a bit better here. I managed to render the Hummer at the top of the hill to be inoperable. So, I guess I need to keep my current truck in decent shape, if I want to keep using it on this part of the island.
Five more North Koreans met me on the top of the hill. I loaded up on ammo, since I am still using the FY71 for a majority of my work. Leaving the FY71 in single-shot mode, I put a couple of bullets in a nearby gas can and the tower exploded into flames.

Turns out there is more to investigate. I have to head over to the edge of the island, because there appears to be a camp setup near the water.
* * * * *
I reached the edge of the island and found a few North Korean soldiers waiting on me. The Hummer provided value once again as I was able to use the attached machine gun to clear about four soldiers from the camp.

I continued to get hit by bullets sourced from a Zodiac in the sea. The gun in the Hummer was out of range, so I kept moving quickly to avoid getting hit. So far, the bullets are not hitting me. Instead, they are really just annoying.
I reached the heart of the camp and was surprised on my left by a soldier with a ground-mounted machine gun. Quickly, I was able to take him out before he did too much damage to my suit. There was a big red fuel tank next to him. Now there's some smart thinking on the part of the enemy! The Nanosuit healed just in time to fend off a surprise attack on my right.
I took a walk around the entire outer edge of the camp. The only enemy I could see was those two guys in the Zodiac - still causing me fits.
I dropped inside the main camper and was able to hack into the system to download some information and read up on the leader of the North Korean army. There was a map on the wall, I wonder what they are trying to protect ... or attack?

Surely, this isn't all about those American scientists, is it? I do recall some amazing discovery being reported just as the North Koreans seized them. Maybe that has something to do with this whole mess?
My objectives were updated, I now need to head toward the source of the distress single.

Those Zodiac guys hit me again and it is really starting to aggravate me. I found a machine gun near the balcony overlooking the sea. After waiting a few minutes, the Zodiac came into view. After about 100 bullets, the thing blew up. I missed catching the explosion, but you can see the remains of the boat at the bottom of the sea.

Looking back, I need to head toward the tower I blew up not too long ago. I think the distress single is coming from that same area. I knew that there were too many soldiers there earlier for it just to be a tower-protection team. I knew there was more.

I took a quick photo to reflect on where I've been so far ... which appears to be where I am about to go, again.
Heading toward the distress single now.
Nomad ... signing out.