Monday, January 21, 2008

Destroy the Alien Exosuit

I heard the awful sound from above that I heard just before I vacated the island on the VTOL. The sound I heard just before Commander Strickland was taken down by the spider-machine. To the best of my knowledge the spider-machine ... or another one of those spider-machines ... was on the flight deck now.

I remembered that we had a TAC cannon back in the armory in the area where Prophet's suit was being repaired. The Tactical Assualt Cannon (TAC) was developed only recently and had the ability to launch nuclear-like grenades at medium distance levels. The gun was still in development and had not been fully tested. They plan was to begin using the TAC in 2025 - five years from now.

From what the testers have determined, unless one was wearing a Nanosuit, they could be critically injured by using the gun incorrectly. I had no choice at this point. I was going to have to use the TAC if it came down to nothing else working.

I navigated through the broken doors on my way back to the armory. I entered a room just in time to see Admiral Morrison get mortally wounded by one of the machines. I made that machine pay for taking down the Admiral by using a couple rounds from the Gauss rifle. I checked Morrison's vitals. There was nothing I could do to save him and I still needed to acquire the TAC cannon.

I made it to the armory and the TAC cannon was still on the weapons rack. I feared that Prophet took it when he went AWOL, but that was not the case. I was glad.

I sprinted back to the flight deck and realized my suspicions were correct. A spider-machine was on deck and causing havoc. The original plan was to escape in a VTOL, but that wasn't happening while the spider-machine was blasting everything in sight.

I saw fellow soldiers fall in the line of duty as we tried to figure out how to take the spider-machine down. I knew the Gauss rifle would not cause enough damage and rockets didn't seem to phase the machine. So, I picked up a heavy machine gun, fully loaded and a spare 500 rounds of ammo. After the machine shot its blue laser at me and missed, I aimed and shot 500 rounds into the core of the machine.

The bullets seemed to be working, so I reloaded before the machine had a chance to aim that blue laser at me. I fired another 500 rounds into the machine and dropped the gun and switched to rockets. No rockets were needed as the spider-machine blew into a thousand pieces all over the flight deck.

I heard someone mention an Alien Exosuit. I am guessing the spider-machine was really called an Alien Exosuit. To me, it will always be known as a spider-machine. I just hope this machine is the last machine of it's type.

Destroying the spider-machine caused the bigger machines to crash onto the deck. It looked like we had finally defeated the machines.

We looked out across a calm sea and sky around the ship. But then, I heard a deep rumble from beneath the surface. Something was coming from under the sea now.

I need to grab some ammo and get ready. Because this could be the mothership coming now.

I will be back in touch soon!

Nomad ... signing out.

Defeat the Alien War Ship

I found a cache of rockets and Gauss ammo behind some heavy steel cases and an over-turned vehicle. The boxes appeared to be great cover from the noises that were coming from the area to the east of the ship. I was loaded and ready. Psycho and Helena were in the VTOL watching from above.

Then it came out of the water and appeared before me. The machine's war ship.

This machine was a beast! It was just as large as the carrier and was armed with a shield that kept it safe from our shots. Gauss ammo and rockets did not phase the machine. Helena decided to try the same idea we attempted earlier by using our Nanosuits to send a signal toward the war ship.

My vision blurred as Helena upped the charge this time.

Helena's idea worked again! We were able to take down the shield around the war ship. A few of the smaller machines arrived to attack me, but the Gauss rifle appeared to take them down without any issues. Funny, I remembered how I feared the challenge in taking down those machines when the island was frozen. Now, it seems like they are nothing to handle.

With the shields down and the small machines destroyed, I had to destroy the turrets that were launching rockets at both myself and the VTOL with Psycho and Helena inside.

Using the rocket launchers, I pumped three rockets into each of the four turrets in front of the war ship. The war ship was now unprotected, so I grabbed one more set of rockets and fired four of them into the bottom of the ship at Helena's request.

This opened up a door inside the ship. I pulled out the TAC and hoped this would work. I hoped I was close enough, but not too close to lose my own life. The TAC took a few seconds to lock on. I figured any second now I was going to be toasted.

The lock on message appeared and I fired as many times as possible into the opening inside the war ship.

The war ship exploded with all the TAC ammo buried inside the craft. When the ship was destroyed, all the remaining machines still flying in the air above vacated the area.

I saw the VTOL fly to the edge of the carrier. I noticed the war ship was going to crash on top of the carrier. Unless I vacated the area, I was going down with the ship too. This wasn't my ship and I wasn't planning to end it all here, so I began sprinting to the edge of the carrier.

I've got to get to that VTOL. I've got to get off this ship.

I will be back in touch soon!

Nomad ... signing out.