The propaganda from the tower needed to be stopped as soon as possible. Use of the Nanosuit in Speed mode was an option, using a Hummer was another. Psycho opted for the Hummer option.

The guns on the Hummer proved to be most useful, as Psycho was able to eliminate all but one soldier while making the drive up the hill. Unfortunately, his rage also left the stationed KPA (Korean People's Army) Hummer out of use too - in the event he wanted a backup vehicle.

Psycho quickly sprung around the Hummer and toward the East side of the hill. Using stealth, he walked up to the lone KPA soldier and took him down with a quick move using his wrist and some Nanosuit strength. While the soldier was probably not 100% dead, he was not going anywhere quickly.
Psycho then collected more ammo from the site and took a look around for any additional intel they might need on the mission. At that point, he stopped and wondered about the remaining members of our Delta Team. He wondered about Jester, Prophet, Aztec and Nomad. He recollected four years earlier, when O'Neill was on the team as well.
He was quite certain Aztec and Jester were both gone now ... at the time, he was not sure about Prophet and had no idea what fate I (Nomad) had against the KPA tank assault. He hoped for the best ... the best that is, this could end.
With all the fire power and KPA troop support on the island, this was a BIG deal. It was only a matter of time before more forces converged on this island. That is, unless what ever IT is becomes a global threat.
Psycho then dropped some explosives onto the radio equipment, gave himself some space, then pulled the detonator.

The radio equipment was blown to smithereens, as was the remains of that lone KPA soldier resting a few feet away. The propaganda chatter had stopped and communications with our team resumed.

Taking a quick look around, Psycho saw no KPA activity heading in his direction. Obviously, this was simply an attempt to slow us down. This cause MUST be worth protecting, evidently. Certainly, more troops were waiting down below.

O'Neill flew by toward the actual beach resort below. That Lagoon beach side lounge was just on the outskirts of the real beach resort. My expectation is that more than ten soldiers would be guarding the resort at the center of his next way point.
Psycho heard O'Neill drop a few thousand pound bombs on the area, then heard JSOC to tell him to get moving in that direction.
Different way point, same mission - take care of the bad guys.
For now, the propaganda is no more.