Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reach the Tunnel

Sergeant Michael "Psycho" Sykes and the rest of Eagle Team were now in route to a location of the island that directed them toward a tunnel where Colonel Lee might be parked. The longer it took them to reach the tunnel, the more of a chance that the contents of the mysterious crate would be unleashed onto the area, the island, or even the planet!

Complicating the journey was another one of those flying things, who were not only trying to take down Psycho and Eagle Team, but also a couple Armored Scout Vehicles (ASV) loaded with Korean People's Army (KPA) troops.

Psycho had decided that time was wasting trying to dodge the flying machines and the KPA, so he used his missile launcher to take down both of the ASVs with two perfectly planned shot right at the heart of the engine of both machines. They never knew what hit them, thanks to the chaos of that flying machine.

That left one missile, which he directed at the flying thing in the sky. Direct hit! Now, with all the missiles gone, Psycho dropped the rocket launcher and switched to his Gauss Rifle. A few shots at the stunned machine left it lifeless as it crashed hard toward the ground.

The area was clear, with the except of a few of those little flying machines. A couple of hits from the Gauss Rifle took them down quite easily. However, more were coming their direction and Team Eagle needed to make it to that tunnel to get a chance at Colonel Lee.

The path to the tunnel moved through an ice covered valley. Not to long ago - probably less than an hour - this area was lush green with rolling landscape and beautiful trees. Now, it is a frozen ice land, with no chance of survival unless one is wearing a Nanosuit ... or one is some form of machine.

The little machines continued to bother Psycho and Team Eagle, but they kept their focus and pushed forward toward the tunnel. Up ahead, they saw another cluster of heavy equipment. The tunnel must be close by, as the KPA would certainly arm the area for protection.

However, the KPA did not expect the cool freeze, which likely froze and destroyed the man power that would help protect the area. Now, the tunnel was in view and the area appeared fully clear. Finally, they were going to reach that tunnel, Psycho thought to himself. "Colonel Lee, here we come!", Psycho thought to himself.

As they neared the zone, a huge vehicle came flying through the air from over the rocky terrain above. The angle and trajectory made it seem as if some trebuchet had launched the hunk of steel toward the ground. No one had trebuchets anymore. After all, it was the year 2020!

Then, Psycho and Eagle Team saw it for the first time.

It was the alien exosuit and it was walking down the mountain toward the entrance to the tunnel. It looked like they were going to need to destroy this thing before they could consider getting into that tunnel.

Psycho hoped that more ammo was stowed ahead, because he was getting low. At least low with regard to the amount of fire power that would be required to destroy the biggest machine yet!

Destroy the Exosuit

The alien exosuit setup position in the middle of the KPA camp. Psycho and Eagle Team spread out and approached the area from multiple angles. Up ahead, the machine began to shoot a random mix of lasers and a frozen spray toward them. The lasers would quickly bring the Nanosuit to it's knees while the frozen spray would leave the troop motionless and a huge ice cube. Neither option was preferred.

Psycho raced around the area, using KPA trailers and destroyed vehicles as cover from the two forms of assault from the machine. From behind he noticed that a third threat existed, which appeared to be a snake-like arm that could grab the soldier and launch the individual without any effort. This is what obviously was used by the machine to launch the vehicle toward them as it came down the rocks just a few moments earlier.

The troops began to hit the machine on all sides, when they realized that the key would be to fire directly at the mouth of the machine. Just before the two weapons were fired, there was a window where the mouth was open and clear. That is when Psycho and Eagle Team launched their ammo into the machine's heart.

Psycho found a couple rocket launchers and proceeded to launch missiles into the open mouth. He also launched several grenades at the machine. At the same time, Eagle Team were hitting the machine with their weapons. A few more shots by the Gauss Rifle finished the machine off and it was blown into the sky.

Was this the last complication before reaching the tunnel? Psycho hoped so. He quickly gathered additional ammo from the area, dropping the grenade launcher and picking up a sub machine gun.

Time to head into that tunnel. Finally!

Team Eagle planted explosives and blew the door open. The tunnel was open and ready.

The troops headed inside.

Once inside, it became dark. Lee was nowhere to be found. Just where will this tunnel take them?