JSOC instructed Psycho to enter the area and he was instructed to do so alone, for now.

His ammo allotment was still in pretty good shape after he was able to reload in an area obviously left behind by Korean People's Army (KPA) troops, but he was out of missiles for his rocket launcher. Of course, launching rockets is not something one should do in a cave - but this is Psycho, so I don't believe anyone would put it past him.
By this time, JSOC had contacted me (Nomad) regarding my experiences on the island. Namely, the first time I came into contact with these alien things. If you wish to re-read that chapter, simply launch the following URL:
Nor JSOC, nor Psycho, nor I (Nomad), nor really anyone else had a clue how long ago these things moved onto the island. From the Nomad experience, the guess is that it had been ten or hundreds of years, if not thousands of years - given the design of their habitat within the mountain. I wonder if these things were responsible for those crop circles in England, or the pyramids in Gaza? (grin)
Up above Psycho's path through the cave, he noticed heavy traffic in the sky - compliments of a natural air shaft ventilating the cave. That heavy traffic was from more of those machines. Clearly, he had not seen the last of them yet. For now, they would have to wait. The mission was to follow this cave in hopes to connect with Colonel Lee and that mysterious crate containing what appears to be another one of those alien things.

Psycho continued to navigate the path of the cave. His head-mounted camera captured this unique object on the surface of the cave. I (Nomad) recalled seeing quite a few of these futuristic plants on my way inside the iron mountain which was later demonstrated to be the aliens' habitat.

The cave led to the mine Psycho thought he was entering after the face off near Pacific Shores. Down below, KPA troops guarded the area.

The cave certainly had one good thing going for it. There were no immediate hostiles, which gave Psycho the ability to fully charge his Nanosuit, heal his aching body and gather his thoughts on this somewhat peaceful walk.
"Time to become the Psycho one again", Psycho likely thought to himself as he began the process of navigating the Pacific Shores Mine.