I must have stood up too fast, playing under the wooden bar in the house. I remember having the Hot Wheels on the bar stools, then would nudge them gently to get them rolling in order to watch them pick up speed before they crashed onto the hardwood floor. It was really cool. Seemed like the bigger trucks crashed the hardest on the floor. The race cars tended to bounce more - some times they would even roll away from the crash zone.
My leg had fallen asleep, so I jumped up to straighten it. At only eight years of age, I didn't realize I was too tall to stand all the way up while playing under the bar. CRASH! My head smashed into the bottom of the bar! I hit the floor a second later.
My head. The pain. It hurts bad.
I wonder if mom will hear me down here? Surely she heard the noise.
Wait. I am hearing other noises now. I am not under the bar anymore. Heck, I am not even eight years old anymore! Talk about a wicked flashback! I had totally forgotten about that childhood head smashing incident.
Now I remember. That KPA-Nano hit me with his fist. He knocked me out. Now, where the heck am I?
I slowly opened my eyes and began to focus. I am laying on my back. My Nanosuit is disabled or powered off. Some dude is looking at me.

Crud. It's General Kyong. The leader of the Korean People's Army (KPA). I guess I figured I would get to meet him sooner or later. I didn't count on not having a fully functional Nanosuit at the time, though.
Looks like I am in the same general area that I was before. At least the noises sound the same. The scent smells the same. I am certainly still in that mine. I am almost afraid to look around - thinking they might have me strapped to one of those machines - so I can face the same fate as Aztec, Jester and Prophet.
They picked me up and led me down the stairs. When I looked around, I saw that I am less than 5 meters from both of the remaining US scientists - including Rosenthal's daughter, Helena.

There are a few KPA guards as well. I didn't even have to look down to notice that all my weapons were gone. I wonder if they found the SCAR ammo I left inside my suit? Surely not. After all, I had to protect the final rounds from my fallen teammates.
With a guard focused on me and both scientists operating the machines around the room, Kyong started talking about wanting to use his stolen find to gain World Power. This was going to be a weapon of the Korean People's Army. A weapon to finally get past China, the United States and anything the United Nations has to offer.
He wanted to get the ball rolling now. He wanted to send power into the machine. Helana Rosenthal did not want to obey the command, but did not speak up. The other scientist urged Kyong to reconsider, that there would be no way to control the machine once it was fully powered on. They had not figured out how to control the machines yet.
Kyong refused to listen. Instead, he put a bullet into the outspoken scientist. Not wanting to find a similar fate, Helana began to send tons of power into the machine. It began to emit massive amounts of light. Commander Kyong became overwhelmed with excitement as he faced the machine.

What he didn't realize is that the power helped to jump start my Nanosuit. I could feel the device begin to run through the pre-power up sequences. None of the surrounding guards realized my suit was coming online - as their suits were already fully functional and they were overtaken by the display of light filling the room. Within about 30 seconds, the suit would be online.

When my suit powered fully online, things got really ugly - really quickly. One of the guards was knocked down by some falling machinery - as the machine was starting to come to life. The other was taken down by Helena. I made a beeline right toward Kyong.
I could have picked up a weapon, but this was personal. Kyong was the force behind three good Special Forces teammates of mine who were killed in the line of action while trying to rescue innocent American scientists. So, I put my suit into strength mode and went after him using only my fists.
Kyong grabbed a machine gun, but never got a chance to use it, as round after round of punches met his unguarded head. Without a firing a single shot, I personally eliminated the KPA commander.

With Kyong out of the picture and the room still out of control, I need to evacuate the area before Helena gets hit by some of this falling debris. I am not sure what we are going to do, but I am 100% certain that my way in was just collapsed shut.
I need to figure out what I can do to get us out here. I will be back in touch soon.

There are a few KPA guards as well. I didn't even have to look down to notice that all my weapons were gone. I wonder if they found the SCAR ammo I left inside my suit? Surely not. After all, I had to protect the final rounds from my fallen teammates.
With a guard focused on me and both scientists operating the machines around the room, Kyong started talking about wanting to use his stolen find to gain World Power. This was going to be a weapon of the Korean People's Army. A weapon to finally get past China, the United States and anything the United Nations has to offer.
He wanted to get the ball rolling now. He wanted to send power into the machine. Helana Rosenthal did not want to obey the command, but did not speak up. The other scientist urged Kyong to reconsider, that there would be no way to control the machine once it was fully powered on. They had not figured out how to control the machines yet.
Kyong refused to listen. Instead, he put a bullet into the outspoken scientist. Not wanting to find a similar fate, Helana began to send tons of power into the machine. It began to emit massive amounts of light. Commander Kyong became overwhelmed with excitement as he faced the machine.

What he didn't realize is that the power helped to jump start my Nanosuit. I could feel the device begin to run through the pre-power up sequences. None of the surrounding guards realized my suit was coming online - as their suits were already fully functional and they were overtaken by the display of light filling the room. Within about 30 seconds, the suit would be online.

When my suit powered fully online, things got really ugly - really quickly. One of the guards was knocked down by some falling machinery - as the machine was starting to come to life. The other was taken down by Helena. I made a beeline right toward Kyong.
I could have picked up a weapon, but this was personal. Kyong was the force behind three good Special Forces teammates of mine who were killed in the line of action while trying to rescue innocent American scientists. So, I put my suit into strength mode and went after him using only my fists.
Kyong grabbed a machine gun, but never got a chance to use it, as round after round of punches met his unguarded head. Without a firing a single shot, I personally eliminated the KPA commander.

With Kyong out of the picture and the room still out of control, I need to evacuate the area before Helena gets hit by some of this falling debris. I am not sure what we are going to do, but I am 100% certain that my way in was just collapsed shut.
I need to figure out what I can do to get us out here. I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.