Friday, January 4, 2008

Infiltrate the Mining Complex - Part 1

The path I had cleared gave way for two VTOLs to land. The vessels provided support troops to the area and more ammo for my Gauss rifle. Much needed ammo, I should say. The next objective before me is to infiltrate the mining complex. In order to reach the entrance, I am going to need to navigate around this "big dig" of a hole beneath me.

Between me and the entrance to the mine shaft have to be no less than 30 Korean People's Army troops. I think they are really upset too, because they are using their heavy armour machines to launch huge chunks of lead in our direction. Perhaps, they just realized I destroyed several million dollars of Nanosuit technology that they evidently stole from the US government.

Honestly, I am the one who should be mad. Guess what? I AM MAD!!!

Looking up at the huge rock that is still glowing blue, I noticed one of the machine-like aliens flying through the air.

This is the same type of beast that stole Jester and Prophet from me. I presume that this same machine is what destroyed Aztec shortly after we arrived on the island. It is my goal to use whatever ammo I have to destroy each and every one of those machines! I don't care of they are aliens or property of the KPA. They are going down for taking down three highly decorated Special Forces troops that I've had the pleasure to know for quite a few years now.

Looks like that thing flew off in another direction. The way it flies, it moves unlike any man-made device I've seen to date. So, I am guessing it is an alien of some sort vs a KPA drone guided by a KPA engineer off somewhere in the distance. I honestly cannot believe I am really concluding this is an alien encounter! I mean, this is 2020, not the future!

Since the machine is out of my current vision and thousands of bullets are flying my way from the KPA, I need to focus on taking out some enemies while I can. I looked down into the excavation hole and studied what was going on below.

At the entrance to the mine, appear to be about 10 KPA troops stationed in fortified bunkers. Getting to them will require stealth and some luck.

Directly to the right of the mine shaft are some heavy machines that are currently pelting us with bullets, ammo and some rockets. They are certainly making my head hurt from all the intense noise up here.

Before leaving my post, I used my rocket launcher to take out one of the core vehicles that were shooting rockets at our VTOLs. We might need them to evacuate the area, so it was worth dumping a few rockets on the KPA unit. I found another rocket launcher, so my stock is again full.

Based upon the path I noted in my post earlier, I hijacked a KPA Hummer and headed into the excavation hole. For now, the support troops would remain at the higher elevation - providing long distance assistance as much as possible.

I drove the Hummer to the left of the mine shaft, for two reasons. First, I was able to get into the higher levels of the hole easier. Second, there didn't seem to be as many troops in this part of the excavation area. By the time I reached the second level of dirt, I saw one of those heavy machines heading my way.

The aim of the machine was good, but I ended up being better at out driving the bullets. As the road turned 180 degrees, I was able to get past the vehicle before it had a chance to hit me. By the time it was turned around, I had made it around a corner where I aborted the Hummer and went cloak.

As the machine came around the corner, looking for the Hummer, I hit it with two rockets just as it got into range. The good news is, the vehicle was destroyed. The bad news is, the KPA knew I was getting close.

Worse news! A KPA helicopter was entering the area. I was in the wide open hole at this point - with no real good place to hide. Luckily, my support troops were there to help me. They began to unleash ammo into the chopper. The problem was, the chopper exploded and ended up landing at their post.

I am not sure if they are still alive or not, but I know they just saved me from near certain death - once the guns would have began firing in my direction.

Again, I avoided losing my life. Like so many times before, I owe a debt to my fellow soldiers. Soldiers I hope are still alive, just covered under a pile of dust and dirt.

I need to find a place to restock my rockets, since I am getting close to the mine entrance.

I will be back in touch soon!

Nomad ... signing out.

Infiltrate the Mining Complex - Part 2

I managed to find a weapons supply trailer at a level just below the entrance to the mine. Prior to the helicopter explosion, the support troops had cleared the area before I arrived to this point. Thanks again, guys! I sure hope they are still alive ... I want to thank them in person after this mission is complete.

I had to focus, because more Nanosuit Korean People's Army (KPA) troops were heading my way. I wonder if I look this freaky with my suit on?

Using cloak until I was less than five meters away, I unleashed three shots by the Gauss rifle to destroy the first KPA troop wearing a Nanosuit. This brought about more troops in standard attire, who were easy to eliminate by comparison.

Once the area was clear, I reached my objective. The mine shaft entrance was before me.

I looked around for extra ammo for my submachine gun before heading into the shaft.

Walking into the shaft was quiet ... that is, until I reached the room inside the door.

Here, I was met with more resistance, as a couple KPA Nanosuits, who I am going to call KPA-Nanos, were guarding the area. I wondered if I was going to have enough ammo left in my Gauss rifle to deal with the aliens.

Then, I decided that I needed to stay alive and the Gauss rifle is the only thing that is going to keep me alive, as long as those KPA-Nanos are around. Plus, they are carrying these huge machine guns - so maybe I can use one of those if worse comes to worse.

Moving through the mine shaft, I was able to navigate toward the beacon with my only challenge to avoid being hit by large boulders that were crashing down near me. At one point, I thought I was going to die as a result of being crushed by a rock. That would truly stink, going this entire way, only to be destroyed by a falling rock. Not something one would want on their tombstone, I might add!

Following the signal, I began to hear voices. Am I finally getting close to the location of the hostages?

I moved closer and saw a bunch of computers and people working around the computers!

From what I could tell, I found the remaining two US scientists and General Kyong - all in the same place! I just had to plan my next steps carefully, so we could deal with evacuating the scientists and then figure out a plan to take out these machines once and for all.

I stood up to begin my route toward Kyong's body guards.

Just as I stood up, I was surprised by one of the KPA-Nano's standing right next to me!

Crud! He just hit me hard enough to wake up my dentist back in the USA!

I am not sure if I am going to make it past this point ... but my head and mouth certainly wishes I would just stop living at this point - from all the pain of being on the other end of a killer punch!

I guess I know how it feels to be hit at full force with our Nanosuit technology.

My vitals are low. I am passing out. I might not be back.

Nomad ... signing out.