JSOC indicated that Psycho's priority one was to keep Colonel Lee in his sights. Secondly, to not let anything distract him from that goal.
Well, Psycho soon realized what JSOC was talking about when he saw something that appeared to be a metallic jellyfish flying in the area just in front of him. This was certainly in the category of distracting.

"What the heck is that?", Psycho wondered - after seeing this thing for the very first time. There were a bunch of them too! They were able to project a light blue laser toward the ground - destroying everything at the target spot. The laser color was similar to the flash of light Psycho saw when he was knocked out cold near that crate on the sub. "Could the KPA have one of these things in their possession?", he wondered. "Crud!", he exclaimed.
With no focus time to over-think the situation, Psycho continued to pursue Colonel Lee and that container over the frozen tundra on the island. Soon the chase approached a harbor where several boats were frozen in their paths. Lee and the container were still far up ahead, but Psycho was gaining on them.

When Psycho reached the shore, he was further blown away by yet another distraction. This time, this thing looked like a huge spider walking over the frozen sand. Here, tons of KPA troops were trying to destroy the metallic beast while it was trying to do the same thing to them.

No time too sit and watch or join in the fight. The goal was still to catch up with Lee, who managed to get by just before the spider thing emerged. Lee was up above the beach and there wasn't another way up using the Hovercraft ... unless he wanted to try his luck against this spider thing.
Instead, Psycho abandoned the Hovercraft and began running on foot toward the plateau above. In his way were some KPA troops decked out with their Nanosuits. Psycho wanted to make it his mission to figure out how they landed their hands on proprietary technology that likely was not of their own design.

No time to take these troops down, again, the focus was on Lee. So, Psycho continued forward toward the stairs leading up to the plateau. He managed to avoid dying and the attention from the KPA focused back on the spider thing once he was up the stairs and out of sight.

Now, the goal was still to head toward Colonel Lee. Now, he was on foot.
Things just got harder.