Sunday, October 5, 2008

Access the KPA Tactical Network

Sam O'Neill was flying above the harbor in a VTOL, now that his Sierra 2 fighter jet had crashed less than 5k meters away. He was providing air support as Sergeant Michael "Psycho" Sykes charged the harbor with a goal of keeping that cargo sub from leaving the area.

No one, including JSOC had any idea what was loaded into the cargo sub, but it had already caused one fire fight between the Korean People's Army (KPA) and some other unknown source. On the other side of the island, some of Psycho's other Delta Force team members (including myself) were engaged in battle with heavy KPA forces. All this time, we wondered if the rest of the world understood what was going on in this little corner of the planet.

The goal was to reach a KPA trailer near the water, but not close to the cargo sub. Inside the trailer was a link to the tactical network, which could be used to override the default security on the sub. The one major obstacle is that the harbor is crawling with KPA troops. With the alarms sounding, Psycho was certain the alarms were triggered due to his arrival. Of course, O'Neill's VTOL blasting the area could have been another reason for the wake-up call.

In addition to KPA support troops, at least one Armored Scout Vehicle (ASV) was patrolling the area as well. Psycho still maintained a rocket launcher over his back. That was really the only item in his possession that could take down an ASV without any visible damage.

Psycho figured that the alarms could not sound any louder, so after clearing out some KPA troops near by, he destroyed the ASV with two rockets.

Quickly, he raced to the KPA trailers and downloaded the intel from the legacy computer equipment. He also activated the upper loading gate on the sub, because his orders from JSOC were to board that sub.

If you would have told Psycho a week ago that he would be boarding a KPA sub with a cargo containing unknown substances, certainly the end-result would not be different. For Psycho was truly a man dedicated to his cause and one who would not hesitate to put his life on the line to save the souls he is protecting back home. After all, he did not want Aztec's death to go without merit and wanted to do everything in his power to take down the source of the attention to this island.

Next stop, boarding the sub. On the way, Psycho realized this was not going to be easy, as he saw a helicopter land on the dock - near the sub - most likely carrying more troops.

He restocked his rocket launcher, went prone and blasted the helicopter into a million pieces. That was the good news. The bad news is, everyone knew where he was now ... and a couple more troops appeared to escape before the rockets hit. What made things worse is that JSOC was not pleased with O'Neill providing air support - so he was ordered back to base.

When Psycho reached the dock, he saw the sub and quite a few KPA troops waiting for him. He would have to face them alone.

He loaded his weapons and prepared to take them down ... using all means necessary.

Board the Submarine

Using grenades, some stealth and a lot of fire power, Psycho went crazy and took down all of the troops in the area. He stocked up on sub machine gun ammo and made sure his guns were all reloaded, then headed toward the cargo sub.

He wasn't aware if the pilots of the sub were still alive. If so, he did not know if they heard any of the activity outside the sub. He did not care. His orders were to board the sub and figure out what was going on inside the container.

Psycho jumped into the cargo hold just before the doors shut behind him. Did they realize he had boarded? Were they about to enter into the area?

No time to speculate. Psycho went into action to examine the container. Near by was a clipboard that likely contained the answers.

While Psycho fully expected to be able to read the clipboard, he was quickly reminded that he wasn't in an English-speaking country. So, seeing Korean writing all over the clipboard did not really surprise him ... nor did it give him any answers - except that huge Infectious Substances placard on the clipboard. Certainly, he wasn't planning to dip his finger into the crate now and do the universal taste test.

Looking inside, he noticed a greenish glow.

What the heck was this? What is inside the crate?

Just then, a huge flash of light blast into his face. Not even the nanosecond response time of the Nanosuit could compensate in time.

Psycho fell hard to the ground. He met the goal JSOC gave him to board the sub. But, did it just cause him his life? Was he also about to start growing green as well?