I jumped into a Hummer and started driving around the village, looking for ways to stock up on my ammo. I ended up finding some grenades for FY71, which was a nice addition and also a bunch more FY71 ammo. I snacked on some bananas and got a drink of water. It's gotten a bit warmer this afternoon ... perhaps from the heat of the battles I've endured today.
Back in the Hummer, I noticed that there was a small trail off the main road leading toward the KPA Military Base indicator on my radar.

The trail appears to drop down lower than my current altitude. Anyone who knows me, knows this will automatically be Plan B at this point. I certainly do not like to be the lower individual in the battle ... the odds are already against you with such a situation. It looks like the road circles around, but it appears that I have some more company waiting for me off in the distance ... I'll be right back.
* * * * *
I ended up driving the Hummer back to the center of the village and going prone in order to take out the four or five soldiers guarding what appears to be an exit from the village. That same road where the path shown above begins is the same road that forks into the exit. So, imagine that road being a big circle around the village.

From what I can tell from the satellite download, the exit road weaves in a S-like fashion toward the Military base. Well, the last thing I want to do is appear like a wooden duck in a carnival shooting game. So, this option is Plan B, also.
There is a large hill between the trail and the exit to the village. I drove the Hummer to the midpoint between both exists and found that I could climb the hill and get a high elevation view of the KPA Military Base. Bingo, Plan A has been found.
I reached the highest point I could climb, then went prone as the KPA base came into view. From what I could tell there were two gunners watching for me, as well as a couple guys up in two different elevated watch towers. I am certain that more are waiting on me, currently hidden out of site.

I dropped my SCAR and returned to the point where I left the sniper rifle. I picked up the sniper rifle and decided it was now time to use the 40 remaining shells that I have in my possession.
On the side of the hill, I was able to take out both gunners and the guard in one of the towers. That sniper rifle rocks! The bummer is, I was met with more soldiers manning the ground-mounted guns. In the mean time, two soldiers were coming up the hill to get me. Before I could change weapons, I ended up using about four shells from the sniper rifle to take them down. Crud! I didn't want to waste the sniper ammo on someone I could have taken out with my FY71. After all, that ammo is pretty much free, since about 75% the KPA soldiers have a FY71 on their shoulders.
I dropped the sniper rifle and went back to the SCAR and the FY71.
I managed to go cloak again, moving from one hiding place to another, until I was able to hide behind a huge rock formation. From that formation, I was able to take out the other guard in the other lookout tower.
A suspension bridge was about 30 feet in front of me and it would lead the path to the KPA base. For now, no one was manning the machine guns, so I decided it was time to cross into full enemy territory.

When I reached the bridge, I realized it was not something I could cross ... at least quickly. I figured I had about 10 seconds before bullets would be heading my way. Without much thought, I decided I would try to let the Nanosuit help me cross the bridge. So I put the suit into Strength mode and when I reached the edge I jumped as high as I could.
Well ... I got some serious air time off my jump. Michael Jordan would have been proud! For about a second I thought I was going to make it to the other side. A second later, I began to fall quickly and fast. There was no way I could make the jump, so I fell towards the brown muddy water below. For some reason, I felt like I was falling faster than when my parachute failed.
Was this water going to be deep enough to save me or was this the end?
Will my mission end with me hitting a foot deep pond without firing one shot at the machine that has taken three of my Delta Team members?

Good news, I am alive.
I am muddy and I think I have some kind of bug in my left ear, but I am alive. I am going to find land on the same side of the KPA base and see if I can't sneak up the side of the rocks and catch them by surprise. After all, I've got to avoid being the one at the lower elevation before being seen.
First things first, once on dry land, I will plan to let my Nanosuit dry out
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.