First, the equipment should provide some information regarding the American scientists, who are now considered hostages, and their location(s). The core mission is to rescue the remaining scientists, no doubt about it.
Second, the computer equipment should provide some information regarding that machine, slash alien, that has managed to freak me out and take away three-fifths of my Delta Team. I want to take that thing down while I am here, no doubt about it.
Okay, I am dry enough and I hear footsteps. Time to get back to work.
I moved up the side of the hill using a small trail that appears to be used by animals on the island. I had the silencer and scope enabled on the FY71. Both came in handy as I took out a couple of KPA soldiers who decided to come down the side of the hill and see if I was dead on the rocks. How ironic it is that they were the ones on the rocks as I passed by their remains.
Once I made it to the top of the rocks, I noticed a metal fence around the end of the base. It was not a chain link fence, but one of those wall-like fences, about waist-high. The fence was the perfect cover for me to move toward a prime position to evaluate my situation.

I went into cloak mode, stood up and took a look around the base. I was able to mark about 10 soldiers, all on foot, walking around the base. So far, they had not realized I was still alive. Thank you Hiram P. Maxim for developing the first silencer back in 1908. Now, 112 years later, the technology still exists and really hasn't changed as much as one would expect.
I managed to take out all but one KPA soldier, who went out of my site. So, I climbed into one of the watch towers in order to take an elevated position on the base.

Up in the watch tower was another rocket launcher and a high powered sniper rifle. This one had an even nicer scope than the last sniper rifle I used on the other side of the broken suspension bridge. Just as I fired at the lone KPA soldier and missed, he came toward me with several other soldiers. Where were these guys hiding, anyway?
I was able to go prone in the watch tower and also use my cloaking mode to get a fix on their position. After a few minutes, I had taken out the remaining soldiers and decided to head toward the base station where the computers were running.
I reached the main computer and was able to hack into the device quickly, using a thumb drive with hacking software created by engineers at MIT in Boston. The fact that the KPA still used software from nearly 15 years ago reduced the amount of time required to hack into the computer.

There appears to be some wicked looking building on the screen. Some kind of a dome. I have a feeling I'll be seeing that in person soon.
After forwarding the information back to Headquarters, I got word that they had been able to determine the location of the Excavation Site. This Excavation Site appears to be related to that amazing discovery that the American scientists mentioned just before their transmission was cut off.
My next step is to head toward that site.
Before doing that, I need to stock up on some ammo. The rocket launcher is good, since I swapped it with the one from the watch tower. I am getting low on my SCAR ammo - just 81 shells left - but I don't believe I will find more SCAR ammo any time soon. I can always use some FY71 ammo and grenades.
I reached one of the ground mounted guns and could also see the suspension bridge where I tried to become the Air Jordan of 2020.

Whatever made me think I could jump that crossing is beyond me. While admiring the bridge, I was surprised by several more soldiers. So I used the gun to take out some of them before I realized that they were heading towards me by taking another route around the water. I didn't think about going that way before trying to jump the bridge.
So, I went back up into the watch tower and used the same process to mark and eliminate all but one of the remaining soldiers. He is way off in the distance in the direction I am heading, so I will focus on him once I get closer.

My mission is to proceed to the Excavation Site and that is what I will do next.
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.