All I remember is waking up to Admiral Morrison screaming at me to get up and deal with those machines that have invaded his ship. From the sound of things, it wasn't going to be an easy task.

The noises that I heard from the bridge of the ship must have been ten times the noise level I had heard both in the mine and when I've been in conflict with the machines. So I am guessing there are hundreds of those machines flying around.
On my way to the flight deck, I picked up a Gauss Rifle and a Heavy Machine gun. I made sure my Nanosuit was in Armor mode and exited onto the flight deck.

There were machines flying all around. At first, the smaller ships had to taken down. Shortly there after, the larger ships arrived - the ones like Psycho brought back earlier this evening. So far, the spider-machine had not arrived. Nor has there been anything different.
When the machines exploded, they made an incredible explosion. Not sure if it was due to the reflection of the water or the design of the ship, but the explosions were amazing. I took a picture to demonstrate the awe of the explosions.

With the area now clear, I could see just how huge the sphere had become. I wondered if Prophet made it clear of the area when the nuclear bomb was dropped. I hoped he wasn't in the center of the explosion, because we already almost lost him once. I still never heard what happened to him and how he managed to escape.
No time to worry about Prophet's situation now, because it was his decision to hijack a VTOL and head into the sphere. We need to focus on our tasks at hand.

I received orders to head down below deck to locate the chief engineer. Evidently, things are getting out of control downstairs. The quickest way is to take one of the elevators used to transport the fighter jets down below.

I made it downstairs and the water had already started to fill the ship. Unless we act quickly, the ship would be sinking soon. The chief engineer would be the one who could tell us how to keep this beast floating.
So far, I haven't found any machines down here, but I am on total alert at this point.
I am going to hurry and see if I can locate the chief engineer as soon as possible.
I will back in touch soon!
Nomad ... signing out.