The chief engineer informed me that there was a breach in the reactor core, which could cause a meltdown if not resolved quickly. The path to the reactor room was collapsed by the destruction of the attack. Since I was the only one wearing a Nanosuit, I would have to be the one to head toward the core. I had to get there as soon as possible.
I used the strength mode of the Nanosuit to break through doors and push aside large containers. When I thought I had met a dead end, I found a vent shaft I could use to reach the reactor room.

I was able to reach the reactor core after jumping down from the vent shaft. A few minutes later I had arrived to the reactor core. After disabling the reactor, the machine when into shut-down state. I then saw the machines enter into the core. They were feeding off the massive amounts of energy coming off the core.

Three of the circuit breakers were locked open - most likely due to the machines in the area. Helena radioed to me. She had an idea. She transmitted a pulse from my Nanosuit which sent shock waves all around me. The end result is that the machines were dazed by the energy emitted from my suit. The machines flew around in all directions before eventually crashing hard and becoming lifeless.
Now, the core area was empty, but the three circuit breakers remained open. I had to get in there quickly to push them down. I would need the strength function of the Nanosuit to complete the task.

I ran into the room and pushed the first circuit breaker back into place. I felt incredibly weak. I took a glance at my health. By the indicators on my suit, if I remained in the area a few seconds more, I would be dead. So I escaped the area and went back into the control room while the Nanosuit healed me. Once healed, I returned to the room and fixed the second circuit breaker.
I wondered if there would be enough time to recharge my health and return for the third breaker. I looked at my vitals. I had no choice. If I stayed in the room any longer, I would be dead. If I left to recharge, the core might meltdown, but maybe I have enough time to recharge. I ran as quickly as I could back into the control room. Just as my health hit 96%, I ran into the room and pushed the third circuit breaker back in place.
The core was disabled.
I heard that the machines were now in the lower part of the ship. So I made my way back to offer my assistance. When I reached the hanger under the flight deck, I was faced with several of the smaller machines. I had 20 rounds of ammo for the Gauss rifle and I believe I put every one of them into one of those smaller machines. I took a picture of one of the rooms just after the last machine was taken down.

I heard a familiar noise from above me. It wasn't a good sound. It was a sound that placed fear into me just before I left the island.
I better get up there and see what I can do. I am quite positive things are about to really get out of hand.
I will back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.