I was able to stock up at the second AA gun, so I am carrying a full load of ammo for my FY71 and a full rocket launcher containing three rockets. I am carrying a SCAR again, but have few bullets left, other than the bullets that I retained from Aztec, Jester and Prophet - my three Delta Team members lost in this mission. My grenade supply is nearly full as well. If things get really bad, I have two fully loaded pistols - one on each hip.
To recap, my name is Lieutenant Jake Dunn of the US Army Delta Force. Friends simply call me Nomad. Since I was dropped on this island, I have taken out over 300 enemy soldiers, all Korean People's Army (KPA) soldiers. The KPA captured the island briefly after a group of American scientists contacted the United States to indicate they had made an "amazing discovery" on the island. Since then, things have been out of control here.
I was air dropped onto the island with four other Delta Team members. As noted above, three of them have been killed and left for dead by some machine-like thing, which appears to have been buried in the ground and have something to do with that "amazing discovery" the American scientists spoke of in their radio distress call. We have been able to rescue one scientist, while Dr. Rosenthal - the leader of the team - was frozen back at the research dome in front of my eyes. That leaves two scientists that need to be rescued. They appear to be being held by the leader of the KPA in a mine on the island. The goal is to rescue the remaining hostages. My personal goal, is to destroy that thing (or things) that took the life of three very good Delta Team members.
However, before I can get to those goals, there is a third AA unit that is causing havoc for the planes above. That third AA gun has to be destroyed. I plan to be the one detonating the charge.
I could see one Zodiac in the harbor at this point, but it could not see me. Looking out over the harbor, I could see our planes circling the area.

Until those last AA guns are destroyed, our fighter plans and bombers would still be at risk. It was time to get moving toward what I hope to be the last set of AA guns.
I continued down the path toward the guns and noticed a small group of soldiers monitoring the bay area for activity. From what I could tell, I was probably not going to cross their path on my current route to the AA units. I don't believe they even knew I was coming across the bridge, since my Heads-up display still showed them performing routine tasks.
I walked slowly through the bushes along the road leading to my target. A small village approached as the elevation continued to drop from the high-point of crossing the bridge. Headquarters contacted me over the radio to add a secondary objective to my current objectives. The goal is to gather intelligence from a computer located in the village. I took a screen shot of the map and my objectives for future reference.

As I walked toward the base, I thought for a quick second to myself. "Did I remember to grab that USB decrypter when I hacked into the last computer?" Looking into the top left inner pocket of my Nanosuit, confirmed I was okay. The USB decrypter was still in my possession.
I was very confident that the USB decrypter would again be able to compromise the the KPA computers. Even if they realized we had already hacked into their network, the decrypter was still on an initial pass when the original computer was exposed. The USB decrypted had 17 levels of key code intrusion abilities, with the ability to scan 9 variants based upon the Operating System in use by the computer. Computers owned and used by the KPA were likely to be compromised within the first couple of passes, based upon International Export laws put into place on North Korea since the early 2000s. I guess the take-away is, if you become a hostile militant-based save haven for terrorists, restrictions will be put into place by the free-world countries.
I approached the village and was able to get a view from above, compliments of the rocky landscape of this part of the island.

Down below, I could see what appeared be less than six KPA soldiers guarding the village. Five guards are stationed around the homes, while one guard remained in a watch tower up above. I am still amazed how quickly they locked down this island - since the distress call was still less than two weeks ago.
Using the silencer, I was able to take down the guard in the watch tower quickly. While the other soldiers were alerted of the gun shots, they weren't certain from which direction the shots originated. The valley is surrounded by rocks, so the gun shots echoed in all directions. I could not have asked for a better situation.
A couple more soldiers were in the area that I had not seen before. Additionally, a KPA helicopter flew into the area. Someone from the village below, must have radioed for assistance. The helicopter likely contained more troops - so I needed to take out the chopper first. Using the trees as cover and the cloak feature of the Nanosuit, I was able to fire two quick rockets at the helicopter. The first rocket missed, so I needed to launch the third rocket, which destroyed the helicopter.
The crash of the helicopter caused the remaining troops to scatter for cover. This gave me an opportunity to assess the situation and figure out where the remaining soldiers were located. From this point, the remaining soldiers were not difficult to eliminate - especially when compared to the four soldiers that contained Nanosuits I encountered earlier.
I was able to hack into the KPA computer with ease. The USB decrypter managed to unlock the system will only one security pass required. It didn't appear that the KPA had even adjusted their network, based upon our last intrusion. Amazing.

The computer indicated that two munition rooms were located near the AA units. This information would be helpful, in the event I need more hardware to take out the third AA gun. I found another rocket launcher in the village and stocked up on ammo.
I climbed up into the watch tower in order to scan the area from above.

Looking at my path, I realized that the troops stationed in the harbor could become a problem at this point. A path exists from their location to my current path, which means they could surprise me from behind. Before heading toward the AA guns, I decided I better backtrack to the harbor and take care of them. One soldier appears to be stationed on the island that contained the first AA gun that I noted in my last set of posts. I should probably take him out as well.
Walking to the harbor was really a non-event - since I had previously cleared the path. The ruins of the helicopter was still smoldering as I walked by the village. When I arrived at the harbor, I was able to take out the three troops stationed near the water quickly and swiftly. Turns out the first set of AA guns were not on an island, but a peninsula. I was able to walk up the trail and take out the KPA soldier at the gun from behind.
Now, the path is clear. I returned to the watch tower to move the sniper rifle up the trail. I will leave it along side the road if long shots are required. In front of me is what I hope to be the final AA gun. This one might not be as easy, as it is stationed inside an industrial area.
I am going to move in closer. I will be in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.