Wait ... oh yeah, there was a KPA chopper patrolling the area as well. Knocking the soldiers out one by one wasn't going to be an option. Psycho had to take down that chopper first. So, realizing this is the point when things get crazy, he pointed his rocket launcher at the KPA helicopter and fire two rockets directly at the chopper above.

The helicopter exploded into a million pieces and the war had began. Psycho grabbed another rocket launcher and fired two shots directly at the Hummer, which had started to move. It was destroyed as well. Of course, that led to the tank having a read on his position, which started to clear out the area with huge mortar shells.
The three ground mounted guns also started their assault of the general area, while some KPA troops headed toward the area on foot. Psycho took a quick look at his original position. Had he stayed in his original location, he would also be in a million pieces as well.

Using cloak mode, Psycho pushed back through the tunnel in order to reach one of the munitions areas noted by JSOC. He used that time to acquire another rocket launcher and charge up on health. There would not be more SCAR ammo in this area, as that is a weapon of the US. Psycho could drop the SCAR and pick up another submachine gun, but the SCAR is the far more superior weapon. The SCAR can not only take down troops near by with accuracy, but it has wonderful long range accuracy as well.
All charged up and armed, Psycho moved back through the area slowly and steadily. He came across multiple sets of KPA troops monitoring the area. He hoped that no one was armed with Nanosuits as well, because his eyes would have trouble trying to depict their suits in cloak mode at this point. I (Nomad) was always the best on Team Raptor using Light Difference Traces (LDTs) to identify Nanosuits in cloak mode. Psycho would certainly agree.
With the path cleared ahead, Psycho was able to approach the ground-mounted guns and the tank from the side. He was unnoticed in his quest at this point. The silencer of the SCAR came in very helpful ... even though the noise of the sphere likely would have been enough. Looking at the tank, Psycho realized that rockets would not take down the tank given all the barricades, so he would have to place explosives instead.

Quickly, Psycho moved toward the first ground-mounted machine gun, only to notice it was empty. Perhaps some of his firepower already destroyed this solider? Going prone, Psycho let his Nanosuit charge back up, then return to cloak mode.
He arrived at the second gunner's spot and sat down behind him. A couple quick shots later, the second gunner was destroyed as well. A couple KPA soldiers arrived, but were taken down quickly. As far as he could tell, the tank and one gunner remained.
The tank's gun was still facing forward, so even if he was noticed dropping the explosives, they could be detonated before the tank could turn toward him. So, Psycho dropped the explosives and headed into the nearby hanger and behind some large protection. He popped up after his suit was recharged, aimed and knocked the final ground-mounted gunner lifeless to the ground.
Quickly he pulled the trigger on the explosives and the tank was destroyed.

The area was now clear of KPA troops and the container was now secured.