I was able to continue toward the landing zone under cover of stealth and I ended up positioning myself on top of a small hill that over looked the landing zone. From what I could tell, there are at least two
KPA troops in suits that closely resemble my
Nanosuit. There might be more, but I can only see two of them from my current vantage point. How in the world were they able to acquire our Nanosuit technology?!!!
Laying prone on the ground I was able to pick off a single
KPA troop using my
submachine gun in single-shot mode with the sniper scope enabled. This caused a few troops to head in the direction of where I was located. I remained in my position using the cloak feature to stay out of site. As the troops headed my way, I used a single shot to take each down, then returned to cloak mode. I have a feeling it all won't be this easy!
I had one of the troops directly in my sites that was wearing the
Nanosuit. Since I had three rockets in my launcher, I figured two of them could easily take him out. I launched two rockets in his direction and either they missed or they didn't phase him, because when the dust settled, he was still standing close to his original position. Crud!
What made things worse is that someone from the
KPA lit a red flare, which means that more support will be heading this way soon. I moved from my original position and located myself on top of a dirt pile closer to the compound.

In the distance I heard a helicopter. I knew it wasn't our
VTOLs, so it had to be another
KPA helicopter - maybe even the one that flew overhead before I reached Pacific Shores. I had only one rocket left from my attempt to destroy on of the
Nanosuit wearing
KPA troops. For now, I had to stay out of site from the helicopter. I wondered, though, if the
Gauss rifle might be able to take down the helicopter. If worse came to worse, that would have to be my only hope.
The helicopter arrived and began to seek me out. It remained above the guarded compound that we would like to turn into a landing zone for our
VTOLs. I also began to hear noises. There were more
KPA troops coming up from behind my current location. They were guarding the rail lines that lead directly into the camp.

I took up a good position behind a rock and the rail car and took out the troops guarding the rail lines one by one. So far, the helicopter had not noticed me and the silencer was a big help in keeping a low profile.
I noticed one last
KPA soldier guarding the area with a ground-mounted machine gun. Just as I knocked him out, I noticed the helicopter was now heading my way. I quickly hid behind the train car on the ground while my suit charged back up. There was no way I could make the cover of the trees at this point. It was time to see if one rocket and some shots from the
Gauss rifle could take down this chopper.
With my shields maxed out, I stood up and fired a rocket at the helicopter. It began to smoke, but it wasn't destroyed - just as I expected. So, at this point, I began to wonder if this is where my mission was going to end. Would it now be up to Psycho to finish the mission? Heck, I didn't have a clue where he was even located at this point. Maybe he was gone as well.
I wasn't going to let it end without giving it everything I had. So I grabbed my
Gauss rifle and began to fire shots at the middle of the
KPA helicopter. After the third shot hit the chopper, the chopper exploded into a ball of flames.

I could not believe it. The Gauss rifle took out the helicopter. I felt like I must of stood there in awe for several minutes before I realized there were more troops in the area to secure. So, I dropped down and let my suit recharge to max power. Once in max power, I went cloak and moved through the compound.
I found a weapons depot and was able to pick-up another rocket launcher and refill my
submachine gun ammo. For now, I am set. My weapons cache consists of the
submachine gun, the
Gauss rifle, a rocket launcher, two pistols and a bunch of grenades.
There were two
Nanosuit-wearing KPA troops that had to be
eliminated. The other troops appear to have been taken care of already. The first troop was located on top of a roof and was standing in cloak mode. I was able to spot him from the edge/light reflections I spoke of earlier in my mission. Quickly I fired two rockets at the image and the heavily armed
KPA solder was destroyed. Interestingly, I noticed that once I hit him with the first rocket, that his cloak powers were disabled - making the second shot very easy.
Before focusing on the other
KPA soldier with a
Nanosuit, I returned to the depot to pick up another rocket launcher. This was the last one in the depot, so I had to make it last.
The second soldier was stationed in the middle of a
conveyor belt leading toward where the first soldier was in stealth mode. Could this be the last guy in the camp? I hoped so.
This time, I decided I would use the
Gauss rifle. My only issue is that this soldier had a huge gun in his hands. It looked like a massive machine gun. So, I would need to get close before taking him down. The good news is that I had a good one or two seconds before his machine gun would wind up to speed - since the gun was kind of
Gatlin-like in design. The bad news is, if I missed, I was going to be full of lead in a matter of seconds.
I moved between many sand barges that proved to be very good cover. Once I was at the end of my cover, I made sure that plenty of
Gauss ammo was loaded and ran directly at the
KPA soldier. I managed to hit him directly with my first shot - which stunned him. My second shot hit him just as he began to pull the trigger on his weapon. By the time my third shot hit, not a single bullet left the gun in my direction.
I dropped down and let my suit recharge. Was the area clear? No! There was one more troop in the area. I could not see him. Where was he located?!!!
I navigated to the rear of the camp and found that I could climb all the way up a silo to get a bird's eye view of the area. I still had three rockets left and plenty of Gauss ammo - if another chopper arrived.
I reached the top of the silo and pointed my binoculars in the direction of the last
KPA troop. Turns out there was one more
Nanosuit wearing
KPA soldier, who remained in cloak mode and was hidden at the top of the compound - which happened to be below my current position.

Since I was in cloak mode, he didn't notice me. So, that is when I oped to use the rocket launcher again. I fired the first shot which caused the suit to fail. Then a second shot to fully clear the area.
With the area clear, the
VTOLs arrived into the area and planted a green flare to allow a second VTOL to land.

The landing zone was complete. While this mini battle had just ended, another battle was beginning as troops stationed in that huge hold and along the mine entrance were now aware of our
I better get down this silo and see if I can help our troops with this battle.
I will be in touch soon!
Nomad ... signing out.