The two remaining scientists are being held against their will by General Kyong of the KPA. Their location is within the mine shaft, that appears to be under a huge rock formation that is currently glowing blue. My guess is that thing is loaded with some alien-like machines that have taken the life of three of my Delta Team members. I will remember you always, Aztec, Jester and Prophet.
In order to get to the entrance to the mine, I am going to need some help by the US forces in the area. However, in order to get them near me, I need to clear out a path for them to land. The Pacific Shores area might seem like an ideal choice, but the area is too small to be a landing zone for the VTOL machines. Additionally, the structure of the land is very unstable - due to the tremors resonating off that huge glowing-blue rock that I am certain I am going to enter at least once while I am on this mission.
So, my next objective is to clear out a landing zone. The zone has been identified and is located along the dirt path leading out of the Pacific Shores Industries complex.

As I walked along the dirt trail, I was taken back in amazement at the huge excavation dig before me. In a hole large enough to contain a modest-sized city were several KPA vehicles who had evidently seized the area. This area, by no surprise, pushes right up against the mine.

I would guess that from sea level to the bottom of that huge hole is no less than 10 building stories. So, not even with the Nanosuit would I be able to survive a fall that steep. Looking around the hole, I noticed that outer roads snake down from the top of the hole to it's lowest point. This information might come in handy, if I am expected to plow through that hole in order to arrive at the entrance to the mine.
Continuing onward, my expectations were met, as I could see the entrance to the mine.

The entrance does appear to require navigation through that huge hole. I made some quick notes regarding the structure of the area. I also noted that the mine entrance appears to be guarded by a couple ground-mounted machine guns and some troops as well.
The hole might appear to be a great landing zone, but it is not the area marked on my Heads-up display. The reason this is the case, is likely due to the fact that the VTOLs would be sinking below sea level in order to drop the troops. In addition to the troops being placed at the lower elevation than the KPA guards, the route to drop them would pass through the cross-hairs of many laser guided KPA missiles as well.
I faced the direction of the marked landing zone and noticed an industrial area before me.

This area would certainly be big enough to clear out a path for the VTOLs to land with support troops to help us secure the mine entrance. However, the area appears to be very well guarded as well. Looks like the KPA have a few more of those suits that are similar to our Nanosuits.

I really need to stake out the area and determine how I can clear out the landing zone for the support troops to land.
I am going to stealth forward for a bit, but will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.