I decided I would take out the first level of soldiers using the sniper rifle. This appeared to put the base on alert. For now, only troops headed in my direction. No helicopters to deal with ... yet. This was a good thing, since I had no tree cover at this point.
As the troops approached, I used cloak to climb up onto the rocks above. I have a very good view of the area up here and should be able to fire quick shots and duck for cover before being noticed. Using that exact approach, I was able to eliminate the Korean People's Army (KPA) troops - who were all carrying submachine guns.
After eliminating the first round of soldiers, I decided to leave the SCAR behind, as well as the sniper rifle and focus on using the FY71 and the submachine gun for now. The KPA soldiers had left plenty of ammo for me, so both guns are now fully loaded. Both guns also have the sniper scope and silencers attached.
I moved into the area and was within 50 meters of the third AA gun, when I ran into more troops. Two of them ended up bunching up directly in front of me. I used a single grenade to take them out.

I saw a soldier stationed above me. I zoomed in to realize that the soldier had a Nanosuit on. At first, I figured he was guarding the AA guns and that this mission was going to be very difficult to complete as long as that soldier was in my way. I looked again and realized that the soldier was Psycho - my lone remaining Delta Team member!

I visited one of the munition areas and picked up more explosives - clearing out the area as part of the trip. The AA gun was guarded by two troops that were very easy to eliminate using cloak. After the first charge was detonated, the AA gun was not fully destroyed. Looks like another charge will be required.
I quickly returned to the munitions depot and picked up another set of explosives. This time the charge was detonated and the third AA guns were destroyed.

Here is an image of the explosion from Psycho's Heads-up display.

Headquarters just radioed me. Looks like there is a GPS jamming device on the KPA Cruiser ship parked in the harbor.
I need to get on board that ship to disable the jamming device before going any further.
I am going to plan my route of attack. I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.