Now, he had to navigate the mine to a freight terminal, where Colonel Lee of the KPA had parked the mysterious crate. Or, at least that is what JSOC hoped was the case. Also, there was no sign of Eagle Team, so Psycho continued his journey alone.

The mine shaft eventually opened up to more of the Pacific Shores mining facility. Psycho's radar showed larger aliens moving directly on top of him. He could also hear muffled noises of battle. While he had no idea what was going on, I (Nomad) knew exactly what was going on - as I was several hundred feet above him in direct battle with those very red triangles on his radar. Soon, the noises would stop, but as I recalled - it could not have been soon enough for me. I believe my left hand still shakes from the after-effects of that battle.

When the mine shaft opened, the frequency of KPA troops increased. JSOC indicated that it was a straight shot to an elevator, which would lead Psycho up toward the terminal. What they failed to indicate is that KPA troops would be ready to stop him at all causes.
The mine had opened even further, where KPA troops were able to navigate a Hummer in Psycho's direction. Psycho found a rocket launcher just in time, as he was able to blast the vehicle while still in cloak mode - saving some serious damage to his Nanosuit.

Now, up ahead, a flurry of KPA troops approached Psycho. Using a Sniper Rifle, he was able to pin down several of the troops from a long distance before jettisoning the gun for his sub-machine gun. Using cloak mode, he was able to take down the remaining troops.
Using his night-vision he panned the area one last time, reloading his ammo and checking for any more hostiles that might attack him from behind. The only living beings appeared to be rats scouring the area looking for their next meal. Soon they would find plenty of KPA meat to feast upon.

JSOC was correct, as the path led directly to an elevator.

Psycho reached the elevator and hit the button that would launch him upward toward the freight terminal. He said a quick prayer and took a defensive position. Certainly, more chaos would be waiting for him when he reached his destination.