Of course, the bombs being dropped by the Delta Force were free for the KPA soldiers too - not to mention the several hundred rounds of lead and planned to be delivered by Sergeant Sykes in his effort to clear the zone.
The sound of the bombs brought more heavy armor and troops into the area, both by air and by land. An Armored Scout Vehicle (ASV) was at the site now as well - which Psycho realized he did not have the fire power to destroy at this point. The key was to focus on the troops for now and stay out of site of the ASV.

Of course, I then realized that we were talking about Psycho. Psycho wasn't me. He was no Nomad - one who would take his time and sneak into position to pick off the KPA one by one. No, he wanted to go in with guns firing.
So, he hijacked one of the KPA Hummers and raced toward the center of the hot zone. He made the turn and dodged rockets launched by the ASV. That dude is plain nuts!

Once he eliminated the troops near the sand, he received intel that more ammo was located in a hut at the center of the area. Of course, reality set in and Psycho realized he had to be a bit stealthy to make it to this area without being force fed rockets from the ASV.
After a few minutes, Psycho made it inside the hut and remained hidden from the rocket-loaded vehicle patrolling the area. Inside, he found a rocket launcher, which was was the perfect item to eliminate the final hot target in the zone.

Using stealth, Psycho was able to sneak out of the hut, then wait to take up the perfect position against the ASV. When the ASV came into view, Psycho began to fire three rockets directly at the ASV.

By the time the driver realized Psycho had appeared out of Stealth mode, the rockets were already penetrating his protection.
The area was clear, the KPA base had been neutralized.
He then began to hear radio communication from the Sierra team. Looks like a battle in the air was starting to emerge.