I can remember a mission code named "5-1941" where I used the Nanosuit for the very first time. We were dropped into a hot zone where stolen arms were being used like pellets in a pellet gun - hours after the gun was purchased. The Nanosuit and true lack of knowledge of the weapons saved me many times that day. In the end, we resolved the arms issue at 5-1941 and left peace to the disconnected country that was being held captive by some militant terrorists.

My first step is to get down to the lower part of the hill below and take out KPA troops guarding a main road on this part of the island. Once I secure this area, I should be able to climb up a watch-tower and get a strong view of the valley and harbor containing the two AA guns that have to be destroyed. For now, it appears that the amount of bombing has cut down somewhat.
The sun is also beginning to rise, which will require less night-vision, but will also require more use of my cloak function on the Nanosuit.
With the help of the US Army troops, we were able to take down the guards stationed along the roadside. One poor soldier decided to take refuge behind a fuel tank. Still don't get that train of thought. A few hits to the tank and the explosion took care of the rest.
Once the road side station was cleared, I was able to stock up on some ammo and head up into the watch tower. I am still carrying a submachine gun and a FY71. Like I noted earlier, I still have the SCAR ammo from Aztec, Jester and Prophet, along with two fully loaded handguns and a rocket launcher. My grenade supply is still plentiful at this point.
Once I got into the watch tower, I was able to get a decent view of the situation below. With dawn approaching, it is easier to see the US Air Force flying above at this point.

The AA guns are stationed on two different parts of the area. One is off to the right of my current view and is located on a rock island foundation. The other appears to be further inland and is probably the more guarded of the two AA guns.
I scanned the harbor with my binoculars and noticed some KPA soldiers patrolling the area with Zodiac boats as well. Just below the watch tower, there appears to be a make-shift base, with more Zodiacs and soldiers. They can't see me ... yet.
After taking a quick view from the tower, I decided I would focus on the AA guns near the water as my primary target. My thinking is that I might be able to clear out the area first, then destroy the guns on my way off the island. Anyone trying to counter my attack should be met with a deserted area. Before they realize I am gone, I will have escaped in another direction ... on the way to the second AA guns that I plan to destroy.
I climbed back down the watch tower and ran toward the heavy vegetation that covered the top of the hill. There is quite a bit of vegetation here, so I basically began running as fast as I could along side the hill - keeping an eye on my radar the entire time. The winds around the valley and the noises from the AA gun provided better cover than my Nanosuit's cloak feature. The best part is that I didn't have to slow down to let my suit recharge.
I reached the edge of the rocks and saw the AA guns from the closest range yet. I brought up the map and my mission objectives for one last review.

One Zodiac boat was patrolling this part of the island. There was one soldier currently watching in my direction at this point, but I suspected another three or four were within range of coming over - if a loud shot were to be fired.
I wondered if I could use my stealth and swim to the other side, taking out these soldiers without alerting the pilot of the Zodiac. I looked below and noticed that mines lined the water below.

The good news is that they are far enough apart that my swim motions would not trigger them. The great news is that the KPA Zodiac would trigger them if they got too close. So I might have a chance for a stealth crossing after all.
I also noticed another watch tower down below. I am going to see if I can figure out how to get into that watch tower, because I see one of those high-powered sniper rifles sitting on the floor of the tower.
I am going to take a break to eat some food and get a drink before continuing forward, because this could get real ugly, real fast. Sorry for the short post, but the next two should be longer.
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.