I had eliminated two troops from the path with the Zodiac and that appears to be the only troops that were on duty tonight. Felt good to focus on walking for a while instead of focusing on staying alive.
Remember, I decided I didn't want to take the curvy road toward that base earlier? Well, I am actually walking that very path as we speak. So I guess I didn't avoid it after all. The good news is that there are not a bunch of troops on top of the hill looking down at me anymore.
When the road curved back toward the river, I noticed there were quite a few troops stationed on the bridge waiting for my Zodiac to arrive.

So, I guess blowing up the helicopter came with a price. That price being that there were probably another 10 troops waiting for me on the bridge. What they don't realize is that the Zodiac is gone and I am on foot.
After marking the troops with my binoculars, I continued to sneak up closer to the bridge. I used my last rocket to take out a large truck on the other side of the bridge. That brought a huge explosion and also eliminated some of the troops. The other troops were alerted of my presence, but by this time I had relocated under the cover of stealth.
These troops seemed more skilled than the others, since they tended to split up and attempt to flank their target. I used that approach to my advantage and moved toward each flank member and took them out quickly with the FY71 and the silencer.
I looked about 25 meters up stream and saw a manned Zodiac waiting for me to come up the river. There was a huge fuel tank next to the boat. So, I managed to explode the fuel tank, which took care of the boat and the crew. I still am not sure why one would leave an explosive tank of fuel so close to a military vehicle.
Another truck load of soldiers remained.

So, I slipped over the bridge and used a grenade from the grenade launcher to take down these troops. I wasn't able to hit the truck, yet, but I did take out all the troops that I had marked. Without using a lot of stealth, I moved from rock to rock until I saw one last soldier manning a mounted machine gun.
I enabled stealth and got all the way behind him before taking him out. I am certain he had no clue what happened to him. With all the troops gone, I wanted to make sure I didn't leave a means for more troops to catch up to me, so I used the mounted machine gun to destroy all the remaining vehicles - except a Hummer which I planned to use myself.

I found more ammo and rocket launchers near the bridge. This was another make-shift ammo hut for the KPA. I can certainly say that they've been busy the last week or so, stocking up the island with ammo and explosives. I certainly am glad they have done so at this point.
I drove the Hummer on the road alongside the river. That Extraction Point still seems a long way away. While driving I heard the sound of another Hummer coming my way. I quickly jumped out of the Hummer and hid behind the trees. The other vehicle didn't stop and kept driving the other direction. Not sure what that was all about, but I think I am okay now.
I ended up seeing another group of soldiers blocking the road ahead. I also heard another helicopter in the distance. The road block appeared to be at or past the halfway point to the Extraction Point. Man, this is a long trip.
The troops at the road block were mediocre at best, as I was able to force them my way and knock them out one by one. I thought I might have a second option for another path, but the road led to a tunnel that had collapsed. Bummer, I was hoping for another way in to the Extraction Point.
I continued to hear the helicopter which still had not noticed me below. Finally, I was able to get a fix on it's position and noticed it was not searching for anything at all. Instead, it was hovering in the same spot. I wonder what they were looking at from the helicopter ... I wonder if it has something to do with that Extraction Point?
This was a good sign for me. I was able to get a lock on the chopper and shoot two rockets at the helicopter before it had a chance to move.

With the helicopter eliminated, my radar was again green. No enemy in sight. Based upon my map, I am past the halfway mark to the Extraction Point.

I am going to take a few minutes to get some rest, before moving further along the river.
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.