I continued to use the trees as cover and my cloak feature to move closer to the first KPA soldier. I got within 30 meters of the soldier and used the scope and silencer of the submachine gun to take him out.
For the first time, the KPA soldier had more gear on. I decided to put the submachine gun into multi-fire mode. All I had to do is begin shooting and hold the trigger down until he fell down or I had to reload. As I started shooting, I realized this gear is more advanced than anything I've seen before ... that is, except my Nanosuit!
It took the entire 51 bullets to take down the first solder. Soldier number two was heading my way quickly. I had used up all the energy in the Nanosuit and had to hide behind the tree until the energy charged back up.
When I turned back around after enabling cloak mode, I noticed the second soldier had thrown a smoke grenade at me and was heading my way.

As I watched him, I saw him go into cloak mode! It appears that the KPA also has a Nanosuit! How in the world did this happen? My issue now is that I am already in cloak mode and he just enabled cloak mode. So, in theory, I will likely be seen before my enemy. How did this superior technology find it's way into enemy hands?!!!
About a year ago, all Delta Team members were forced to go into a six week training course on the Nanosuit. During the training, you learned how to spot the Nanosuit in cloak mode, in the event one of the suits are captured in working condition by an enemy. Right now, I was very glad this training took place. Quickly, I began to wonder if the soldier not even 60 meters from me attended a similar class.
With that thought in mind, I quickly began to scan the immediate area, looking for Light Difference Traces (LDTs) which were a minor side effect of the Nanosuit ... or at least the USA Nanosuit. LTDs are basically pixelated images that occur when the soldier steps into a different light pattern. As an example, if the soldier were to be walking on a sandy beach with the ocean in the background, then walked in front of some large brown rocks, the edge of the soldier would emit pixels that didn't match the correct background for a second or two. It is within that second or two that a window exists to locate and destroy the cloaked soldier.
Quickly, I found the LTDs as the soldier moved from heavy vegetation to be in front of a thick tree. I had a fix on him and unloaded 51 bullets into the path of what I believe was the soldier.
I hit part of him and caused his suit to malfunction. I could see him at point blank range. The issue was, he could see me too - since the Nanosuit I wore would automatically exit cloak mode once a weapon is fired. Without hesitation, I continued to throw lead in his direction until he too fell to the ground.
The next two soldiers were on their way. I used the same approach on the third soldier as I did the first soldier, which was pretty easy the second time. For the final soldier, I decided to plant a rocket at his mid section, then follow up with some submachine gun ammo until he too fell to the ground.
I looked down at the soldiers and noticed quite a few similarities between their Nanosuit and mine. How could this have happened? What other US secrets does my enemy maintain?

I stocked up on submachine gun ammo, since this battle cut into my 350 round supply.
My ride out of this part of the island was able to land in the grave site. I still think that is kind of morbid! As you can notice, the extraction vehicle looked nothing like the helicopter used by the KPA that I tagged earlier this evening.

I moved to the rear of the vehicle and noticed the back latch was open and for the first time since Prophet was stolen from me, I had comrades waiting to greet me.

I am going to take a seat and catch-up with the squad. By the look in their eyes, it doesn't appear that were are getting to the easy part of the mission. Meaning, much more trouble likely lies ahead.
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.