Friday, December 28, 2007

Secure The Train Station

I climbed up a near by hill that faced the train station below. Still on foot and using cloak, I was able to pin most of the KPA soldiers on my radar.

The train station doesn't appear to be that heavily guarded. Aside from the train station itself, there is a watch tower up another hill. A few other KPA troops are setup along the hill from the watch tower down into the valley. There is a single KPA tank guarding the entrance to the train station - which makes me glad I am on foot now, because that would have certainly taken me by surprise coming around the corner. Way on top of another hill is a bunch of KPA troops monitoring the area from high above.

I picked up a rocket launcher from one of the locations I noted earlier and decided it was time to get things started. So, I aimed and quickly launched two rockets at the KPA tank, which took it out of commission.

As troops began to head in my direction, I went prone and used the sniper scope on the FY71 to eliminate them as quickly as possible. I then slid down the hill, navigated over to a new rocket launcher and toward the train station. I saw some fuel tanks at the top of the hill and was able to take out the KPA soldiers watching from way high above before walking into the open area.

Next, I focused on taking out the guard in the watch tower, which turned out to be easier than expected - due to the arrival of more US troops via a VTOL. I took note that there is a sniper rifle at the top of the watch tower, if needed.

The remaining troops came down the hill and were met with an explosion linked to some fuel tanks nearby. With the area secured I greeted a fellow soldier. I bet he's wishing he had a Nanosuit too!

Before we could proceed further, we had to blast a path forward. That path would need to destroy two box cars on the train track at the train station. I found some explosive charges and placed two sets into two different box cars. I moved near an idling and empty KPA tank and detonated the explosives.

The explosion was huge! The path the was clear. My next objective will be to push ahead to the KPA tank depot. For some reason I thought I had faced all the tanks I would need to face. Turns out, things are just getting started.

I am going to see if I can navigate this KPA tank and will be back in touch soon.

Nomad ... signing out.