I navigated through what appeared to resemble tree branches, but were really metallic in design. While the area appeared to be very old in design, I soon began to see that blue-glow appear when I moved further into the Abyss area.

What looked like old sea life and trees was really machine-like parts that appear to serve a purpose similar to a machine room on a large ship. Was this the main power plant? I didn't think so, but this might be a substation serving a particular purpose.
I expected that someone or something would be monitoring this area, since it could be at risk for sabotage, but maybe my entrance into the area was still unannounced. I began to see something enter the area. I am guessing I wasn't unannounced after all.

Floating in front of me was certainly not a human creature that I had seen before. The binoculars allowed me to see a skeletal formation in the object, but it was far from human. So far, it didn't realize I was in the area. Thank you, cloak function of the Nanosuit!
When I got within 5 meters of the object, I used the machine gun to pump quite a few rounds into what I am guessing is an alien. I can't believe I actually think I just saw and destroyed an alien. I wonder if I am going to wake up in a minute ... indicating this was nothing more than a dream. I wonder if I am still only 8 years old?
Moving onward, dream or no dream, I reached an area where I could not push forward. The current from the next area was pushing me backward. In front of me, there were several items glowing a gold-like color.

From what I could tell, those gold beams might be controlling the current. So I used my SCAR to shoot at one of the gold beams to my right.

The item exploded on impact and I was able to move forward up the path.
Another door is waiting for me up ahead. So far, I haven't noticed any more of those aliens. Now I wonder if I really did destroy that last alien ... or maybe it was a mirage. Well ... if it was a mirage, where did my bullets go?
I am going to move forward toward the next area. Hopefully, I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.