Prophet was sitting in a chair specially designed to perform maintenance on the Nanosuit. I could hear Psycho mention that Prophet had some enhancements made to his Nanosuit, but didn't understand fully what was said. At the time, I was hoping to hear from Prophet just how he survived being captured by the machines. How did he manage to escape?

I never heard from Prophet regarding what happened. He never came to me to ask about my experience either. Instead, he seemed to get into an argument with Psycho, then grabbed the alien gun he stole and moved quickly out of the room.
Before I had a chance to come after him, an announcement came over the loud speaker. All Special Ops personnel were to report to the bridge of the carrier immediately. Helena looked upset. She was convinced this was not going to be the good news she had hoped for. The Admiral might be reacting to a situation instead of honoring Helena's request for more information. Perhaps the President and Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted closure on this situation as soon as possible.

We made it to the bridge and quickly learned that Helena's suspicions were correct. Admiral Morrison was planning to drop a nuclear weapon on the center of the island. We also learned that Prophet had taken a VTOL and was heading into the sphere on the island! They considered him AWOL at this point, but it was very much unlike Prophet to head back into the sphere so quickly!
With the bomber approaching the sphere, we watched as the the bomb was dropped near the rock mountain cave I had escaped only recently.

The exposition sent a huge fireball into the sky. After the fire cleared, the ice sphere returned. Only this time we felt shock waves as it increased in size. The sphere was now several times larger than it was before. I thought to myself, Helena was correct. These things do feed on power!

I then saw dots emerge out of the sphere in our direction. As I remained focused on the dots, I realized they were more of those machines. They were not pleased and they were heading in our direction.

The machines came at us at full force. They were attacking the ship directly. When the first wave of machine hit the bridge, I was knocked onto my back. My whole body hurt from the steel from the ship that fell on me.
If I don't get up, I might not make it out of this situation.
I need to pull myself together. I'll be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.