To be honest with you, I want to get out of this rock, this area, this machine, more than anything else. While I am armed with some heavy ammo, I don't think I have enough to take down everything floating around in here. I am really thankful for the cloak function on the Nanosuit, because if this alien-thing could see me, I would probably not be alive any more.

This particular thing appears to have a bony skeleton and some transparent or fish-like body attached to the bones. I have started to see quite a few of them and I wonder if they are also the drivers of the other machines I've seen before. The other option is that they are one time of thing living inside this rock, while another type are what I've seen earlier - floating around and grabbing my Delta Force teammates - Aztec, Jester and Prophet.
I navigated past the alien using cloak mode and hiding out of view when my suit needed to recharge. I am still amazed that Commander Kyong thought he could use the amazing discovery that I am now within for world domination. I am pretty sure he would have not made it inside even the second room - based upon his previous plans of attack.
After going down a long series of entrances, I found another area before me. The area had a huge ceiling with pods hanging at near the top of the room.

There were more of the same things working in the area and I even saw their idea of workstations. I wondered if Kyong's attempt to power the area caused them to come to life - or if they have been down here working all along.
I wondered how long ago these machines had arrived on Earth. Certainly this hasn't happened since the mid-1990s, when the Internet-age caused the size of the planet to shrink due to the availability in information. My guess is that these things have been here longer than most would be comfortable knowing.
In the center of the room was what appeared to be an exit. I discovered a cylinder that looks to be used for exhaust or chemical wastes. Like every living element, one likes to discard their wastes to make their current surroundings better. From what I could tell, this might be either where they grow the items needed to continue life in this area or where new things are brought to life.
I managed to make it to the potential exit area and realized I could not slide out of the area with the flow of exhaust/waste still flowing. Taking a wild guess, I opted to point my weapon toward one of the controls and fire at the glowing yellow lights. The controller blew apart and the flow stopped, but at the same time alarms began to sound. I guess they know I am in the room with them now.
When I got to the end of the escape area, I had to use some ammo to destroy one of the things that were waiting for me. The tube ended up leading me into another room, which consisted of a lot of junk floating around. This was certainly the waste area. I really didn't feel that dirty - all things considered.

I saw another one of those long glowing tubes. I saw some more of what appeared to be control stations that were used by the things living down here. I found it interesting that even these things have jobs that are not the best jobs in the world. I guess these guys were on break, because the area was pretty much empty - except me and a bunch of trash floating around.
Another tunnel lead out of the area, so I decided to float in that direction. This led me to another room, which appeared to be more industrial in design. There were robotic-like machines moving things around - kind of like a steel factory back in the United States.

On the other side of the room, there was a huge wall that had the blue-like glow to it. The glow was similar to what I had seen before, from the outside of the rock. I could not push through this wall and I saw more things on the other side. I was still moving in and out of cloak mode, so they could not see me.
I found a way to the other side by navigating through a set of tunnels from my previous area. Slowly, I moved past the things guarding the area until I found what I hoped to be my exit. I proceeded into the area and was pushed into what reminded me of how science fiction movies used to depict worm-holes in space.

I felt the G forces increase as I moved quicker and quicker through this experience. I am hoping this will lead me out of the area. I also hope I will make it out alive.
I will be back in touch soon!
Nomad ... signing out.