The Nanosuit's Speed mode became the only option at this point. Psycho had to make up time and had to do it without hesitation. This is the time where being "psycho" plays well into the equation. This is the time where someone like myself (Nomad) would have no chance and getting to that camera and taking out the KPA troops who have strict orders to protect the area at all costs.

Before reaching the location of the Sierra 2 jet crash, Psycho met his first group of troops. They were armed with various weapons and they were ready to tango. Psycho opted to wield two AY69 short-range micro-machine guns and a ton of ammo. With a capacity of 40 bullets per mag, he was able to pump 80 charges of hot lead in a matter of seconds.
Psycho also planned to unload his arsenal of grenades as well. Whatever it took to eliminate the KPA on his way to the crash site.

The battle was intense to say nothing else. Psycho continued to race around the area, pumping lead from the AY69s directly into the soul of the KPA troops firing back at him. When he saw a cluster of troops, he cooked a grenade and launched it at the last possible second.

The hits became very punishing for Psycho and on a number of occasions he felt as if he could not keep pushing. However, he wasn't going to fall to a group of KPA troops with inferior technology. He leaned on the Nanosuit to protect him with speed to escape the source of the gun fire.
He pushed to the distance of the arms from the KPA, let the suit heal his body and then launched two cooked grenades into the cluster of troops.

With that double-explosion the area was mostly clear. Just a few troops remained - which seemed almost elementary based upon the events only a few moments earlier.
Following the beacon on his radar from the crash site, Psycho was able to reach the camera with ease. No time to view the pictures now, he had his own secondary mission. That is, find out the status of O'Neill and rescue him if there is any chance of survival.