As Psycho raced through the area, he heard the voice of Prophet (another fellow Delta Force team member) race over the radio airwaves. Prophet indicated he was in trouble, but Psycho could not get a read on his position. The chaos created by those flying things made stopping and looking around an impossibility at this point.
Psycho had to keep moving toward Colonel Lee and that container. His Hovercraft was still moving and keeping up on foot, while dodging the blue lasers was becoming difficult.

The road reached a dead-end. The machines things were coming toward Psycho. Then, he noticed an icy path before him. There were only two options. First, to stay outside the icy path and face everyone head-on and alone. Or second, to venture inside this icy cave.

Psycho had no choice, the icy cave was the only answer. Posting a stand-off might lead to death or leave him without any ammo if he did survive. Also, the stand-off would not help him get closer to Colonel Lee and that container.
The path carved into the ice lead toward an eventual opening to another location on the island. No one or thing followed Psycho into the icy cave, which kept his aft position clear for the moment. However, directly in front of him, another exosuit began to walk down the rock toward him.

Speed was the only answer at this point, so Psycho engaged the speed mode of his Nanosuit and ran. In fact, he ran faster than he ever had ran before - racing past KPA troops who did not have a shot a him. The exosuit thing did not have a chance at Psycho as he raced over what was a quaint river bank just a few hours before.
At the end of the river was some type of mining complex.

JSOC indicated the Team Eagle had just reached the area from another route. Psycho wondered if their route was as exciting as his. He could not wait to discuss this mission with Dane at some point in the future.
Next stop, penetrate the mining complex - but not until he took a few minutes to survey the area. For now, he was hidden against the rock and out of view toward the KPA and the machines.