It appeared that the dock contained a large crane of some sort and a lot of cargo space. Perhaps, similar to the International Arrival stockyards at various port facilities around the world - except this island wasn't really known for importing and exporting.

This harbor was active, with both cargo and firefights between at least two different groups. Were one of the groups part of the mission that O'Neill, Psycho, Nomad, Jester, Prophet and Aztec were members of? Or were they the third guest to the party?
The crane was moving and it was moving a very large box of cargo. But how was the cargo leaving the area?

Psycho could not believe his eyes! The cargo was being transported onto a Project 914 Cargo Sub! Perhaps Delta Four class. Talk about an antique. That technology dated back to the 1990s and was part of a technology sale from the old USSR to the Koreans. Just what were the soviets thinking back then?

So, did the Project 914 sub bring the cargo to the island or was it about to move the cargo off the island? Either way, what could be so important or so super secret that the KPA would go through that much trouble to transport whatever is in that crate?

Both O'Neill and Psycho realized that the contents of the crate had to be a key to all of this, because why else would the KPA load up this island with soldiers and not bat an eye at destroying any form of resistance in the area.
Time to move on. Walking isn't an answer long-term, so the two soldiers continued forward until they located a couple vehicles ahead.

One lone KPA soldier was near by and relieving his bladder. So, Psycho knocked him out cold with a powerful punch to the jaw. When the solider would eventually awake, his pants would have a certain odor about them and the two vehicles he was guarding would be missing.
O'Neill was now safe and the camera was secured. Next step, get to the rally point.