After all, Lee and his team stole one of the machines and were planning to reverse engineer the design to build a weapon that could place the Korean People's Army (KPA) into a position of power. The machines were likely not happy knowing one of their devices had been hijacked.

Lee stood upright and turned to the huge machine.

A hole opened under the bottom of the machine. A bluish light began to coat Colonel Lee as he stood in place, obviously too frightened to run or even move away. The glow of the beam intensified greater and great until Psycho was able to see a red ball of fire burst from the position where Colonel Lee was standing.
For all known purposes, Lee was presumed to be no longer living. The Nanosuit can take a lot of damage, but the damage he just witnessed was certainly in the megaton range.
The machines began to set their focus on O'Neill's VTOL. Did they notice the container hanging underneath?

O'Neill instructed Psycho to buckle up and hold on, because they had to evacuate the area now, as quickly as possible.

The VTOL was able to outrun the huge machine with ease. Psycho realized he had finally met the goals of the mission and for the first time, he could relax. The container was secure and Colonel Lee was either dead or not in the best of spirits.
Things would get hectic again soon when they reached the USS Constitution and hooked back up with me (Nomad) to face one of those huge machines head on. I can still recall seeing Psycho sitting on the deck of the ship for the first time when I landed my VTOL on the Constitution. He looked wiped out.
Another benefit of the mission was that Psycho and O'Neill were able to let go of the Code Blue incident which brought me (Nomad) to the team in place of O'Neill four years ago. While O'Neill may have ruined his chances to be on a Delta Force team four years ago, he still proved his value and honor with the actions he performed on this mission
With that gap in the story complete, Psycho, Helena and I continued our quest toward Prophet back on the island to further battle against these machines who entered our world without permission or invitation.