JSOC indicated that O'Neill was now directly over the area where the container rested. During the entire battle with the Exosuit, nothing came to steal the container. No machines or no Korean People's Army (KPA) troops.
So, perhaps the machines were not aware that the container was still at the airfield. For a second, Psycho wondered if the container was really there, but then he saw O'Neill in his field of view.

O'Neill was directly over the container and confirmed it was still in place. The glow from inside the container continued, so the machine was still inside as well. Soon, the KPA would return to the area, so Psycho and O'Neill had to get moving before anyone arrived.
Pscyho kept the PAX handy, but switched over to the Gauss rifle. Nothing interrupted his track back toward the container. It seemed that everything had been eliminated or scared off by this point.
Psycho watched as O'Neill navigated the VTOL into position. O'Neill then jumped out of the VTOL to greet Psycho. After all, it seemed clear enough and both needed to inspect the container before attempting to lift it using the VTOL.
Psycho thanked O'Neill for his assistance on the mission and the two began to gaze inside the container.

Psycho's Nanosuit flashed blue for a brief second. He realized they were not alone as originally expected. Quickly, he placed the suit into cloak mode while O'Neill continued to gaze at the machine inside the crate.

When O'Neill turned around, he noticed Colonel Lee had returned, with two of his soldiers, also wearing Nanosuits.

It was now time to face off against Colonel Lee and his team. Psycho was unseen at the moment and O'Neill was truly at a disadvantage in not having the honor to wear a Nanosuit.