As it stands now, I cannot communicate with Mission Control and my online maps are ... well ... offline. So, I am running a bit in Old School mode, where extended range support is off the grid. Before going for the jamming device, I decided to mark all the enemy soldiers I could in order to pinpoint their locations.

My first plan of attack was to create a diversion. So, I grabbed the rocket launcher and placed a rocket into the flat-bed truck sitting very close to the jamming station. This certainly woke up the village and might have taken out one or two soldiers camped out near that side of the jamming device. I didn't get lucky enough to take out the jamming station, but at least I got the ball rolling to take care of the enemy.
I went prone and monitored the actions of the soldiers now tracking me. While we are both residents of the same planet and have grown up through a lot of the same events, their approach to tracking is far behind the US military - and miles from the Delta Force.
I was able to eliminate four soldiers by using my SCAR with the silencer attached. The woods provided great cover and at no point was I ever in question of losing my life. Next, I took up position on the rocks on the side of the hill. Using the sniper rifle and a couple of different locations, I was able to drop three more soldiers.
With all clear, I began to head down the side of the hill. I noticed a grave site along the way down the hill. I wondered if I should grab a shovel and bury my North Korean enemies, but then realized I needed to stick to the mission at hand - especially since my head is starting to hurt from the pulsating noise inside my helmet from the GPS system being down. I guess it was a bug that we cannot mute that noise - but there's nothing I can do about that now - except to disable the GPS jamming station causing my issues.

My ammo is still in very good shape, but I am wondering how much use I'll have for the sniper rifle now. So, I decided to drop the sniper rifle and pick up another FY71. This time I enabled the scope and silencer.
When I approached the jamming station, there were about seven more troops guarding the station. So, I went prone and enabled the cloak device on the Nanosuit until each soldier came into range.

With a quick shot, I was able to down the soldier and go cloak again before the next soldier arrived. There was a Hummer driving around that I wasn't able to eliminate. After the Hummer was out of my site, I made a run for the jamming station. I was able to disable it and hide back into the bushes before the Hummer could spot me.

The beeping inside of my helmet is gone now and I am back online. My next goal is to reach the Korean People's Army (KPA) base and gather intelligence - hopefully to help determine the location of the remaining hostages ... and more information from my machine friend or is it friends?
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.