At this point, I am really glad I picked up the FY71, because the extra ammo I keep finding is becoming very helpful! I am even more glad to be wearing this multi-million dollar Nanosuit - because it has helped me out of some tough situations so far. Sure, the tax payers freaked out when the Senate challenged the budget back in 2015 - but we've been far safer as soldiers ever since that point. Not one suit has made it's way into enemy hands, either!
At any rate, I saw a road heading out of the village from the opposite direction in which I arrived. I can't imagine there are any more troops near this village, but I thought I better check out the road to see where it leads.
After seeing that it might be a long walk, I opted to get in a Hummer and drive up the road. Well, the road stopped at this huge metal door that wasn't opening ... not from trying out the Hummer's top-mounted guns or ramming the door at full speed, either. Still, I had some fun at their expense.

There wasn't a control panel on the side of the door or anything else that might cause the door to open. The rocks were too steep for the Hummer to climb, so I am guessing this road is not part of my current plan. Also, hopefully I have jammed it shut for a surprise visit from the other side of the door too.
In walking around the village, I found a path leading into the woods. So this must be the path that will lead me to this dead civilization and hopefully some additional American scientists. I was honestly left kind of up in the air after I had destroyed the last three tanks. Maybe they did tell me what to do ... but I certainly didn't hear them or remember hearing them. Lone wolf, again, is totally fine with me at this point.
I don't see a way to get the Hummer to come with me, so I guess I am going to do this venture on foot. As far as inventory goes, I still have the rocket launcher (three rockets remaining), two pistols - fully loaded, the FY71 with full ammo and the sniper rifle - with full ammo too. I have some shot gun shells too ... but I am not really sure why. Oh yeah, I have all kinds of grenades strapped to me.
As I walked up the path, I could see a waterfall to my left. As I recalled the map from the make-shift base, I began to wonder if I really am close to the scene depicted on this map. The one thing I am sure of, is that I am going the right way - because I see more soldiers up ahead.

At first, I thought they had spotted me, but I was incorrect. For some reason, they were shooting at something above them. They were making quite a bit of noise too. I wonder if they have ever heard of a silencer before?
I was able to get in close, but could not determine the source of their target fire. I got too close and blew my cover, but they proved to be somewhat easy to take out. It appeared that only two or three soldiers were close by. However, I did notice a freaky situation when I arrived next to them.

There was a male laying over the rocks with what appeared to be something really freaky and metal-like coming out of his back.
Now, I am certainly one of age who ends up with lower back issues from time to time. But my back issues have never been this extreme. I don't believe taking even a triple dose of Aleve will help this guy!
Looking ahead, it appears that I am going to be heading upriver in a valley which has large rocks on each side of me. I am not a fan of being so low to the ground - and easy to spot. So, I am going to take this slowly and see what lies before me.
I will be back in touch soon.
Nomad ... signing out.