Commander Emerson's voice (from JSOC) finally reached Psycho. They received confirmation that he survived the direct blast of an EMP bomb. Talk about a field test of the Nanosuit. Within a few seconds, the Nanosuit was back online.
The blast left a huge crater in the ground. That bright glow was along the ground ... similar to what happened to that boat in the middle of the rocks. "Wicked!", is the way Psycho described the situation.

En route toward the Sierra team, Psycho marked a few KPA troops who were following up from the activity surrounding the blast. They likely realized no one could have survived the explosion, but were under orders to investigate the area fully.

The fire power of Psycho's SCAR and use of the cloak effect on the Nanosuit left the soldiers without hope as they were quickly eliminated. Certainly, being the victim of trade and technology embargoes leaves countries like North Korea at a disadvantage.
Moving on, Psycho had to hurry to reach his destination point. An image of the map and objectives were listed below.

Without much effort, Psycho made it to the peak of the valley between the large mountains. A plateau led toward the sea where the Sierra Team was already taking out the area of KPA hostiles. It was about to get interesting.

Psycho's next goal was to dig deep into that area and head toward the next way point.