"Cold Blue!" Psycho whispered. I thought about asking more about the situation, but his facial expression told me to remain silent.
When the scent of toxic fumes reached Psycho's brain he quickly regained focus at the situation at hand. He needed to depart the VTOL before things got worse. The sounds of bombs and heavy rocket detonation helped him move into action. Across from him, rested another injured soldier.

Psycho sprang to action, prying the seat belts off his comrade and thrust him over his soldier, crying for medical attention outside the VTOL. When he reached the door, other soldiers were waiting to take the injured one off his hands.

Instructions were given. Psycho was the lone survivor of Team Raptor at this point. He had to escape from the obvious target that the flaming VTOL provided to the night skies above. He had to move in the direction of the Sierra air strike team, taking care of any Korean People's Army (KPA) troops in front of him.

The soldiers remained near the crash, but in hiding - waiting for another VTOL, which was likely in route. Only Psycho had the Nanosuit. Only Psycho was equipped and trained to assist the Air Strikes from the ground.
The path proved to be cleared by prior bombing runs and Psycho simply needed to avoid walking into the wreckage the surrounded him on virtually every side of the landscape.

When he approached an open area under fire, he was reminded of that ship, that boat that was sitting in the middle of the rock formation just a few days prior. What was the name of that boat? That's right, "The Lusca's Call"
Just then, he felt the blast!

All energy inside Psycho's body seemed to fade. He felt himself smack the ground with a hard thump. The Nanosuit was also lifeless and heavy. Was this the end?