Psycho tried to get a read on O'Neill's position, but his radio cry was not returned. Psycho had the explosives planted and held the detonator in his hands. Even if he died in the process, he was going to do everything in his power to keep that crate out of Lee's hands. It seemed like a perfect time to pull the trigger, then try and take out the chopper with the rocket launcher on his back.

To make matters worse, Lee pointed toward another KPA chopper. This one contained a handful of KPA troops and one US Marine. Before Psycho could react, the KPA troops pushed the Marine out of the chopper and directly toward the icy waters below. Psycho reached out and caught the Marine with the strength mode of the Nanosuit enabled.

They hit the bridge as part of the fall and Psycho was able to hold on with his left hand. The Marine was hanging on to Psycho's other hand and the detonator for the explosives was just a few feet away - resting on the tracks. The strength of the Nanosuit faded as the energy drained to zero. Psycho felt the full weight of the Marine hanging on his other arm.
Lee had hooked the container onto his chopper. It was now or never. He instructed the Marine to let go and Psycho jumped up to grab the detonator. He pushed the trigger just before he hit the water below - close to where the Marine had landed.

The train exploded a split second later and Psycho watched from under the water. He quickly swam to recover the Marine and avoid the steel from the bridge as it collapsed around them.
The Marine was motionless. Psycho tried everything he could to bring him back to life, but he was not able to do so. He now regretted forcing the soldier to let go, but wondered if Lee would not have killed them both once the chopper fully secured the container.

Psycho was stunned from the events. He heard the choppers vacate the area, with the container in hand.

Was it too late? Had Psycho missed his opportunity to stop Lee and maintain full control of the container?
He remained motionless, saying a brief prayer for the lost US Marine and whatever form of family he maintained somewhere else on this planet.
Soon, he would have to communicate the events to JSOC.