Sergeant Michael "Psycho" Sykes was now aboard the train containing the mysterious container that appears to be holding one of the alien things that Prophet and I (Nomad) are fighting inside a huge frozen sphere nearby on the island. Time for a train ride.
When I was a kid, I remember looking forward to summer vacations and a visit to an amusement park in the Midwest portion of the United States. In that amusement park was an Old West train ride that escorted the visitors through a series of trees. Every now and then, the area would open and there would be park workers acting as if they lived their lives in log cabins and villages built in the open areas.
The train path ended up becoming a large figure 8 and when the train arrived the second time, the areas had all been attacked by would-be enemies. At one point the train stopped and the enemies boarded - acting as if they were going to cease the train and take all of us with them. Then, of course, the good guys came and saved the day. Ride was over.
Well, fast forward quite a few years later and change those friendly enemies with a combination of aliens and Korean People's Army (KPA) troops and the goal is still the same. Psycho has to save the day and take care of any of the bad guys surrounding him. Like I wrote before, time for a train ride!
Psycho noticed a few KPA troops near the container and used mounted machine guns to take them out before the train left the station. Looking around, it appeared the train itself is clear. Now, he needed to take out anyone who was trying to take him out ... which he believed would be a lot!
As he approached a set of shacks along the track, he was met with KPA troops forcing hundreds, if not thousands, of bullets at his head. He jumped to another mounted machine gun and cleared the area.

Soon an Armored Scout Vehicle (ASV) approached from behind, with rockets this time aimed at Psycho's head. He spun the gun around and destroyed the ASV after taking a few hits from nearby rocket shots. The Nanosuit healed itself and Psycho was able to continue onward.

The automated train approached a village, loaded with KPA troops. In the far distance, the frozen sphere which contained me (Nomad) and Prophet was in the distance. Psycho hoped to be moving away from that area - not closer to it!
Psycho continued to use the mounted machine gun and some rockets from his rocket launcher to clear out the village as the train continued to roll forward.

Just as Psycho was realizing the effects of handling the situation alone, his radio announced a familiar voice. It was Sam O'Neill, former Raptor Team Delta Force member. O'Neill let Psycho know he was there to assist via the air and began clearing out area ahead of the train.

JSOC was not pleased that O'Neill left his mission to seek and assist Psycho. Just as they started to order him out of the area, the train began to slow - then stop.
This was not a scheduled stop and no one was in the engine car controlling the train. However, this was the perfect opportunity to disable the train permanently and keep it from moving forward up the tracks.
The only bad news, is that the area appears to be crawling with KPA troops! At least O'Neill is assisting from the air ... at least for now.