JSOC used their satellite connections to monitor the container after it left Sergeant Michael "Psycho" Sykes and the burning bridge. Fortunately, the weight of the container appeared to be too much for the torque of the Korean People's Army (KPA) helicopter. As a result, the container was dropped off at a nearby airfield. It was now Psycho's main objective to reach that airfield as soon as possible.
On the way, the expectation for KPA resistance was certainly guaranteed. The KPA knew that Psycho was close by, still alive, and very upset following the death of a US Marine while under his watch. Delta Force members were not fond of the death of fellow soldiers. They were extremely not pleased when death occurred in their presence.
The path to the airfield was mostly under the cover of trees and walled by mountains from the island's natural terrain. Getting there would not be a problem, but Psycho wanted to take out any KPA troops ahead of him to avoid a surprise attack. A group of troops stood on top of a rock formation, watching over the area.
Using the submachine gun in single-fire mode with the sniper scope attached, Psycho quickly knocked down the KPA troops standing on the rock. The sound of his gun shots smacking the KPA soldiers directly in the head were not noticed by anyone in range, due to the noise of that huge sphere and the machinery around the airfield.
Psycho looked at the map in his heads-up display. JSOC had beamed down the image from the sky and the airfield was going to be in range soon.

Psycho did not uncover any more KPA troops along the way. This confirmed his assumption that the sound of the shots were not heard by anyone other than himself and the now un-living KPA soldiers. While inspecting the soldiers, he managed to pick up a sniper rifle and dropped the submachine gun. Certainly, more submachine guns would be available at the airstrip. If not, he could always back-track to this area.
Using the binoculars, Psycho was able to see the entrance to the airfield. It appeared to be heavily guarded. The last thing he wanted to do is try to blast his way through the entrance, alert the KPA that he is on-site, and risk them transporting that container from the airfield.

Psycho noticed another entrance into the airfield. There was a hole in the wall boarding the zone. Large enough for him to slide through, most likely, but small enough to provide cover in the process. However, there was one KPA soldier that had to be taken care of - resting in a watch tower near the make-shift entrance.

A single-shot was all it took and the guard was taken down before he had a chance to react. The noise of the sphere continued to assist Psycho as he managed to continue to be unnoticed by other KPA troops inside the airfield. Time to move toward that entrance.

Psycho managed to slide through the side entrance and now had arrived into the airfield. The area was full of KPA trailers and using cloak mode Psycho was able to move around unnoticed. He did not know what was in the trailers, but he assumed it would be additional ammo, intel and communications gear.
Before moving forward, he needed to find a secure spot to perform some recon over the area. Then, he realized, that watch tower near the entrance might be the perfect spot.